
Hey guys, so I've recently upload Chapter 14 to Forgotten... Check it out if you are reading the story :D


Hey Guys, sorry that I haven't updated most of my stories recently! I am going to start writing more chapters soon, though for all of them and make sure that they are all edited at some point in time xD. I've also had a little bit of writers block hence why I haven't been updating lately. I hope y'all will forgive me for that.. And let me know which story is your favourite and why... Oh and who your favourite character is out of all the stories. 
          Ta-ta :)


Hey guys! So, I've signed up for the worlds greatest shave smile smile emoticon I've been wanting to do it for at least 2 to 3 years and finally decided that it was time to do it. I would love it, if anyone would sponsor me as it would mean so much. So at the moment in time, I will be shaving my head on the 13th of March smile emoticon If you would like to sponsor me, you can either do it in person or just go to my profile page using this link: