
Hey, guys! I'm back with a little bit of progress this time. I'll explain why in a bit but take a look:
          	1. Ch. 48 of LOAR is 7.3 pages long & currently worked on by Sora.
          	2. Ch. 49 (?) of LOAR is 3.8 pages long.
          	That's it. The main reason behind the little progress being made is the secret project I mentioned has consumed my every waking thought and moment. But another contribution to it was that I got stuck in one part of the chapter but I barely got over it. Except, when I did that, I reached my word count goal. 
          	So my dilemma is whether to continue until I'm stuck again or just go to the next story in the rotation which should be one of my other stories. In some way, I want to continue because this scene I'm writing is on the world building side. I want to sprinkle some new magic and provide more details on the setting for the third arc of the story. I want to also fill in some gaps of what has occurred to Garrick in between the last chapter for the Second Arc to now. I just have to find a way to place it in the chapter if it even works.
          	But I'll figure it out. In the meantime, just know that I am working on it and I will be writing something this week. Other than that, remember to keep checking back here for more info! Stay safe! Later!
          	-Nickole ^-^


Hey, guys! I'm back with a little bit of progress this time. I'll explain why in a bit but take a look:
          1. Ch. 48 of LOAR is 7.3 pages long & currently worked on by Sora.
          2. Ch. 49 (?) of LOAR is 3.8 pages long.
          That's it. The main reason behind the little progress being made is the secret project I mentioned has consumed my every waking thought and moment. But another contribution to it was that I got stuck in one part of the chapter but I barely got over it. Except, when I did that, I reached my word count goal. 
          So my dilemma is whether to continue until I'm stuck again or just go to the next story in the rotation which should be one of my other stories. In some way, I want to continue because this scene I'm writing is on the world building side. I want to sprinkle some new magic and provide more details on the setting for the third arc of the story. I want to also fill in some gaps of what has occurred to Garrick in between the last chapter for the Second Arc to now. I just have to find a way to place it in the chapter if it even works.
          But I'll figure it out. In the meantime, just know that I am working on it and I will be writing something this week. Other than that, remember to keep checking back here for more info! Stay safe! Later!
          -Nickole ^-^


Hey, guys! I'm back some progress today! Take a look:
          1. Ch. 48 of LOAR is 7.3 pages long & currently worked on by Sora.
          2. Ch. 49 (?) of LOAR is 3.2 pages long & currently working on.
          That's it! There are a few things I want to say but I will get to that in a bit. I do want to mention that I have been overtaken by my little side project but I made to give LOAR the attention it deserves so I'm not neglecting it.
          Now let's talk about LOAR's chapter in greater detail starting with Sora's chapter! So, there hasn't be a lot of progress except for some behind the scenes stuff. They have fixed an issue that I brought up but they are still figuring out some other things. That's all I know as of right now. 
          As for my chapter, I mentioned it in the last post but I have been distracted with my side project. Though, I did force myself to stop various times so that I write something for LOAR's chapter and I'm getting somewhere. I'm just a bit stuck with describing something so I need to look back at some notes I made for the setting then write it in Garrick's POV. I'll figure it out though so just bear with us for the time being. Depending how I feel by the time I reach my usual word count will depend what I do next like continue writing or move on to another story. 
          Other than that, remember to keep checking back here for more info! We'll do our best to write as fast as we possibly can! Stay safe! Later!
          -Nickole ^-^


Hey, guys! I'm back with some progress this time! Take a look:
          1. Ch. 48 of LOAR is 7.3 pages long & currently worked on by Sora.
          2. Ch. 49 (?) of LOAR is 2.2 pages long & currently working on.
          That's it! I will get into some further details in a bit so I can just give a quick recap of what's been going on. I had a busy weekend which meant I was not looking at my phone except to take a ton of pictures; I was at a convention if anyone's curious so I took pictures of and with cosplayers. But since the next convention won't be until summer, I should be back to my usual writing schedule of whenever I have time. 
          Anyway, let's talk about LOAR! I had a bit of trouble on where I wanted the first scene to take place but I decided to just jump in with a dialogue and went off the rails from there. I will admit that I stopped writing due to getting distracted by a little mini side project. But I'm going to keep that to myself for a bit. 
          For now, just know that I'm going to be bouncing between LOAR's chapter and this mini side project. I have no idea how long this side project will take so I'm going to make sure not to take too long and give LOAR attention as well. I haven't heard from Sora so I don't know when they will be writing but any updates on their chapter will be mentioned in the next progress post if there's any. Other than that, please bear with us as we try to get LOAR's chapters up and ready for you guys soon. Remember to keep checking back here for more info! Stay safe! Later!
          -Nickole ^-^


Hey, guys! First off, I AM SO TERRIBLY SORRY FOR GOING MIA AGAIN! I had a mini vacation towards the week of Christmas and I forgot to make that post plus a progress post too. I'm always dreading turning on my dying laptop because it would take forever to load and the screen is so sensitive that I need to have it leaning against something heavy in order to use it properly. Anyway, even though I said that I was gone for a whole month, I didn't stop writing whenever I found some free time! Take a look:
          1. Ch. 48 of LOAR is 7.3 pages long & currently worked on by Sora.
          2. Ch. 49 (?) of LOAR is currently being working on.
          That's it! So, you guys are probably wondering why there's a question mark next to the chapter number. That's because I'm doing something different with it: I'm going to write two scenes for the chapter. The main reason for this is because I really don't know how or when my co-writer will end her chapter and my chapter can go 3 separate ways: 
          a. Start before her chapter,
          b. Start sometime in the middle of her chapter, or 
          c. Pick up right after her chapter. 
          So I decided to write scenes based on Option A and C so that when she's done with her chapter and we discuss it, I have pre-written my chapter and either continue from it or redo it altogether. Then, I just miss writing LOAR and I don't want to wait until the other chapter is done and end up doing everything all last minute or rushed. 
          However, I'm not sure if my goal will be the same since I'm writing 2 scenes and I don't know how long they will be. I'll figure it out once I get to writing it. As for how Sora's doing, I'm not too sure. There hasn't been anything new in her chapter and she hasn't talked to me recently other than to let me know that she'll be getting back to writing or tell me a brief summary of what's been going on. But yeah. Remember to keep checking back here for more info! Stay safe! Later!
          -Nickole ^-^


Hey, guys! I'm back with some progress today! Take a look:
          1. Ch. 48 of LOAR is 7.3 pages long & currently worked on by Sora.
          That's it! Okay, I know that it was very little progress but progress is still progress! Plus, they actually asked me to reread the chapter to give my input on it and, I got to say, there was some added lore which I loved! However, I think they still have a long ways to go before the chapter ends. I think. 
          There are still some issues that Sora and I need to resolve behind the scenes so we might be distracted with that. Then, I did wanted to work on my chapter but I just kept overthinking about where the chapter could start and ended up going to my other story in my main account. 
          However, I think I'm ready to take on my chapter! I have an idea on where I can start writing it thanks to a  TikTok video for the NaNoWrMo about a writing exercise. To give you guys a hint, the writing exercise was describing one place but in the perspective of different characters. Since Sora is writing someone else's perspective, I should do the same but for Garrick. It could end up in the next chapter or be scrapped but it's a start.
          As always, please be patience with us as Sora tries to get her chapter done and I do my best to get back to LOAR as quickly as possible. Remember to keep checking back here for more info! Stay safe! Later!
          -Nickole ^-^


Hey, guys! First off, I'm SO SORRY for going MIA for 2 weeks! I did not have time to go on my dying laptop to make updates. Been a very busy bee due to starting a new job and the holidays passing. But I come with great news: THERE WAS PROGRESS. Take a look:
          1. Ch. 48 of LOAR is 7.2 pages long & currently worked on by Sora.
          Okay, I know it doesn't look like there was any changes, but there was progress behind the scenes! Sora made slight changes to the chapter but we still have some issues that need to be resolved. We did resolve some of them but not all of them. I'm not exactly sure if Sora is back to writing but I do know they got a chance to sit down and make those changes.
          Then, I'm currently trying to decide whether I should work on one of my stories in my other account or LOAR's chapter. I know that Sora is working on their chapter but what I can write is something that takes place at the same time as their chapter that will led up to where their chapter might end. Or I could write what happens after a certain event happens but I'm not sure. I'll figure it out soon! Remember to keep checking back here for more info! Stay safe! Later!
          -Nickole ^-^


Hey, guys! I'm back with zero progress this time! Take a look:
          1. Ch. 48 of LOAR is 7.2 pages long & currently worked on by Sora.
          I'm going to be honest: No progress has been done whatsoever except maybe some behind the scenes? I say maybe because I do not know what Sora is up to. As far as I'm aware, they're updating some character profiles for minor recurring characters but that's all I've been told. We had one small argument about class schedules so I would assume that they're updating one of their many recurring characters' schedules. Though, they have mentioned that some real life stuff is hindering their writing too.
          I will say that I miss writing LOAR so I might also end up reviewing old chapters of FTB or LOAR just to do something with the series. But I don't know. We'll see. For now, just know that Sora is working on it in their own pace. Please bear with us as we try to get a new chapter out for you guys as soon as we possibly can. Remember to keep checking back here for more info! Stay safe! Later!
          -Nickole ^-^


Hey, guys! So first off, I AM SO VERY SORRY. I really did mean to make an update post about LOAR but I was so busy with real life stuff and, again, my dying laptop that I just didn't around to it. Speaking of not getting around to things, I didn't write at all because I was con crunching. I just came back from a convention with a friend and I spent all week on one cosplay that no one recognized me in because it's an OC from a fanfic that I really love. Anyway, to give you guys a reminder of what's going on:
          1. Ch. 48 of LOAR is 7.2 pages long & currently worked on by Sora.
          That's it. As I said before, I was busy with real life stuff and the convention I went to. Some good news though: I GOT A FULL TIME JOB. No more struggling for money or getting another job. However, this means that I will need to really manage my free time so that I'm able to continue writing for you guys.
          Now, let's actually about LOAR. So, there hasn't been any actual progress on the chapter but there were more progress taking place behind the scenes. Sora has been asking questions regarding future characters making appearances in the story so they're preparing the future appearances for them. Of course, I was MIA during the weekend and they were asking me something so I'll respond back to them about it. But just know that Sora is working on their chapter and they're doing everything to make sure the chapter is perfect! 
          Please be patient with us as we continue to work on getting the chapter together for you guys as soon as we possibly can! Remember to keep checking back here for more info! Stay safe! Later!
          -Nickole ^-^


Hey, guys! I'm back with very little progress today! Take a look:
          1. Ch. 48 of LOAR is 7.2 pages long & currently worked on by Sora.
          That's it. During the weekend, I was actually preparing for an interview I have tomorrow. Again, I was applying like crazy this past week and I'm probably going to be doing that for some time. There was a bit of progress since Sora has written a little more but most of the progress was kind of behind the scenes related. Actually, I've been trying to help Sora with their chapter this past week but got really sidetracked. They still need help so I'm going to try my best to help them as much as I can with their chapter. 
          Aside from that, there's not much for me to do since my chapters for either FTB and LOAR require Sora to finish their chapters. So, if I do end up needing to get LOAR out of my system, I'll edit something or even do some my Halloween special. Other than that, please bear with us as we try to get the chapter done as fast as we can. Remember to keep checking back here for more info! Stay safe! Later!
          -Nickole ^-^


Hey, guys! I'm back with very little progress today. Take a look:
          1. Ch. 48 of LOAR is 6.8 pages long & currently worked on by Sora.
          That's it.  As I mentioned in my last post, I don't know if I'll actually be working on either FTB's or LOAR's chapters for the remainder of this year. That and I was very busy trying to apply for jobs so all my laptop time was dedicated to that. 
          Also, there wasn't that much progress because Sora was stuck on it. I was able to help them through it but I don't know if they went back to writing. Then again, I did distract them a bit for a little project of mine that I want to do for fun. A Halloween special actually and they gave me the best idea! I might be able to write it in one sitting if I'm super motivated. Though, I can't share since the characters haven't been introduced so sorry! No spoilers allowed!
          For now, just be aware that Sora is doing their best to complete their chapter. Remember to keep checking back here for more info! Stay safe! Later!
          -Nickole ^-^