
Hi, I just wanted to update you guys about what I've been doing and what my plans for the future are.
          	As some of you might have noticed, I've been a lot less active on Wattpad. This is partly because of school, partly because of other stuff.
          	Although I was quite busy, i have been writing a bit. In the last few month I've discovered, that i love to write short stories, really short ones. The ones that aren't longer than 2000 words. Over the years I've written quite a few short stories and I'm looking forward to publish them and to be more active in general.
          	Most of these stories are in English. They varie in genre and topic. Most of them are fanfictions. Besides that I've written my first story, that isn't a fanfiction. 
          	Another thing I'd like to announce, is, that I'm participating in the writing competition of @fantasy_girl_forever. The first chapter has just been uploaded, the rest of them will be published every 15 minutes.
          	Because this competition is in German, this story is in German (and I gotta admit, i really struggeled to write in German again).
          	I hope you guys are all doing good :)
          	- Storydreamer64


          In 5 Tagen (mit heute) endet die 2. Runde meines Kurzgeschichten Schreibwettbewerbs, an dem du ja teilnimmst.  
          Wie weit bist du mit der Geschichte schon? 
          LG fantasy_girl_forever 


@Storydreamer64  Oh, das tut mir total leid, das muss untergegangen sein...


@fantasy_girl_forever Hi, vor etwa zwei Wochen habe ich dir mitgeteilt, dass ich aus dem Wettbewerb aussteige, da ich es Zeitlich nicht mehr schaffe die Geschicht zu schreiben.
            Hab noch einen schönen Tag


Hi, I just wanted to update you guys about what I've been doing and what my plans for the future are.
          As some of you might have noticed, I've been a lot less active on Wattpad. This is partly because of school, partly because of other stuff.
          Although I was quite busy, i have been writing a bit. In the last few month I've discovered, that i love to write short stories, really short ones. The ones that aren't longer than 2000 words. Over the years I've written quite a few short stories and I'm looking forward to publish them and to be more active in general.
          Most of these stories are in English. They varie in genre and topic. Most of them are fanfictions. Besides that I've written my first story, that isn't a fanfiction. 
          Another thing I'd like to announce, is, that I'm participating in the writing competition of @fantasy_girl_forever. The first chapter has just been uploaded, the rest of them will be published every 15 minutes.
          Because this competition is in German, this story is in German (and I gotta admit, i really struggeled to write in German again).
          I hope you guys are all doing good :)
          - Storydreamer64


Hey, entschuldige die Störung, aber bei mir ist bei den Anmeldungen für meinem Kurzgeschichten Schreibwettbewerb irgendwas durcheinander gekommen und ich wollte jetzt nach fragen, ob du bei meinem Wettbewerb mitmachst oder nicht. 
          (Tut mir wichtig leid, irgendwie ist das was durcheinander gekommen und ich war/bin mir da jetzt unsicher.)
          LG fantasy_girl_forever 


@Storydreamer64  Ok :) soory nochmal für die Störung 


@fantasy_girl_forever Ich mache da mit
            Keine Sorge


          Neobook bots, you know em, you hate em,
          If you get one of those bots, say “yes! I promote on neobook!” Or something like that, and let me aka @PixieStixInMyCereal , @CrayolaClown and @sovbritlover know!! 
          If you say no to them asking if you promote on neobook, they repost your popular stories to the website WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION. 
          It doesn’t matter if you have one follower, or one thousand! Please spread the word so people don’t have their works stolen!!


Ok, everybody, this is important, so please continue reading.
          Some of you may have already heard that wattpad wants to delete the possibility to write DMs. All already existing DMs will be deleted as well. Why this is bad? If you befriended someone and want to talk about something more private or share things like your Discord or Snapchat name, you'll only be able to do that somewhere others can see it as well. 
          But there is a petition, which you can sign, which hopefully will be able to do something against it. 
          It will be more likely to succesful if you sign it, so please do it!  
          Here's the link (hopefully it works):


Just saw the Hercules Musical, before it officaly had it's world premiere (which will be in about two weeks). It was absolutely AMAZING!!! If you have a chance to see it, do it, it's worth it.
          Anyway, it was super amazing and exiting and I can't wait to see it again on Sunday!
          Anyone who'd do the same?


Any Hamilton fans that want to help me sing the entirety of the musical in a comment section of a book?


@Storydreamer09 yeah sorry- I’ve been meaning to but I’ve been super busy with school and irl stuff


@PixieStixInMyCereal It’s the middle of the day, :). I’m in school rn.