
Thank you all so much for following me I don't know whats happening but i'm already past a hundred wich is crazy so thank you all so much! ❤


Greetings, fellow hufflepuff. 
          Lmao that sounds so formal...I must be really tired. Aaaaannyways, thanks for the follow! btw, you're really good at editing photos - much better than I could ever be, ha ha. And I really love your last chapter on Stitch, 'cause he's by FAR my favorite disney character. Anyone reading this, immediately go check out that book. It's pretty quick and really cute. 
          Also, I followed you back. 'Cause I'm cool like that. And I absolutely adore your profile theme/photo. 
          Oh, and beacuse I love a needless self promotion, I'm going to humbly ask for your help by reading my new story, Fairytale (Ish). I swear I try to be an okay writer and I won't throw a fit if you/anyone reading this completely ignores my silent pleas for reads.
          (ha, 'pleas for reads' kinda rhymes...)
          Sometimes I wonder if every Wattpad user is just creating a cult. You certainly seem to be, what with all the followers you have! Congrats!
          ...that was meant to be a joke. I know Wattpad is not a giant cult site. Don't take me seriously. 
          I know I'm not funny, so please don't throw any rotten food in my hair. 
          Digital rotten food, if it exists...?
          ...I really got to get out of this habit of writing super long messages. Sorry in advance 


@Banana_Cat_17 greetings lol! Of course I will read your story it sounds great and I was probably going to anyway. I love your profile too It's so freakin adorable! And your obviously a talented writer by this amazing message! I actually followed you because I saw one of your other ones and thought it was hilarious. And I don't know where my followers came from lol they just appeared one day I swear i'm not in a cult. Also I have no food to through but I do have an apple so... Just kidding . I'm so glad you liked my pictures if you have any requests I'll make them! <3 Anyway byeee see you on your story! 


Thanks for the follow!


@Strawberrymilkcloud yeah it sounds interesting and thanks for voting for mine 


@MYthicDuCK of course thanks for adding my story to your reading list ❤


Thank you for the follow. Ive followed you back and am sure to look your story over. 


@KenziWhitt I will have to take my time.
            And read whatever pecks your interest.
            Btw love your prodile picture. So kwute!


@KenziWhitt aww well thank you but take all the time you need also what book should i read out of yours?