
@KaityElisa Hi... .:p


Shaun! I misssssss you. Where you be? LOVE YOU


Hey, thanks so much for the reads and votes on The Crimson Queen! You're awesome! 


@AlecHutson no worries, things are picking up now that I've been featured. I only joined Wattpad a few months ago so I only have a few short stories up but if you do get to them I hope you enjoy. Lethe is pretty good, I think. Oh, and you're reading the first draft of Queen so if you have any ideas how to improve it I'd love to hear. Thanks again! 


@AlecHutson Thank you for writing such a wonderful work! It's a shame that a book of this quality does not have more recognition, and that I have nobody to share it with. 
            I haven't checked out your profile yet, so I'm not sure what other treasures lie in wait, but I hope they are many!
            Keep up the good work :)


Hi Stwauny!
          I just wanted to say thanks for reading and your continued support of Kingdom of the Stone. I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read one of my stories and I hope you continue to enjoy it. I also appreciate your voting for each chapter, since every vote helps others discover this work as well. However, please feel free to leave comments if you have any. I love to hear what my readers think.


@Stwauny Thank you very much! Yes, I intended this to be a late bronze age culture, and looked to the middle east for inspiration, so it probably has a very old testiment feel to it. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
            My earlier stories used the same setting but take place several thousand years later. I wanted to write these 1st Age stories to go back and build the setting's history from the ground up, so there are going to be a lot of firsts: first discovery of magic, first development of organized warfare and the rise of city states, the creation of dragons...
            I'm looking forward to all the stories yet to be told. :)


@JAPartridge I'm enjoying the book thoroughly so far. I see many resemblances to stories from the bible, which I find interesting. It's also great that you're consistent with your language and the way your characters interact and speak. I hope to read many works from you :)