
Hey hey
          	Sorry for not updating any books lately,,, I’ve been really unmotivated since I’m not really in HxH anymore, and some toxic people I’ve met in Haikyuu made me stray away from it for a bit. If worse comes to worse, I might discontinue the stories, but for right now, they’re on haitus until farther notice
          	I hope you can understand,, I want to produce the best chapters that I can, but I can’t do that when I’m unmotivated


Hey hey
          Sorry for not updating any books lately,,, I’ve been really unmotivated since I’m not really in HxH anymore, and some toxic people I’ve met in Haikyuu made me stray away from it for a bit. If worse comes to worse, I might discontinue the stories, but for right now, they’re on haitus until farther notice
          I hope you can understand,, I want to produce the best chapters that I can, but I can’t do that when I’m unmotivated


Happy Simp-Tember^^ I’m gonna be starting school soon, so I wanna try to have a schedule when it comes to updating my book. I might post chapters 6, 7, and 8 + 9 it things work out^^ I also wanted to start a short Bokuto x Reader x Akaashi book but I’m holding off on that until I have a steady thing going for the HxH book. Have a nice day, lovelies 


It's Simp-Tember so that means I'm going on a diet from hot anime boys :)