
I feel like I am always ranting hahahaha but I love writing way too much to stop although sometimes it gives me great pain but hey what can you do?


Hey I am back with another message
          I kind of feel like this is a diary since no one is actually reading or replying but hey maybe one day I will finish this book and many others and have tons of readers but until then I’m going to post this to help any future writers because you shouldn’t give up if your not seeing the results you expect straight away. I have literally felt like giving up on this book so many times or deleting my account because I feel like no one really likes it and it’s rubbish and I’m wasting my time. Maybe all that is true and maybe my book is rubbish but at least I tried. You can’t get anywhere unless you start so that’s why I am starting. This book could be a massive fail although it already feels like it is. I’m doing other things as well which aren’t going too great either but I’m still trying which is the best I can do. So anyone reading this now or later start. Start whatever you have been thinking about doing. Writing a book, starting a YouTube channel or learn a new skill. Anything just start because you can’t succeed unless you try.


So a quick one for today.
          You guys should check out my Instagram. It’s like a mix of a spam page and a promotional page for my book so if you want to know in advance when chapters are coming out or you want to laugh at some memes or you just one a sip your tea reading some relatable posts I got you. The account is @summerwaveyy
          For today’s talk though I feel like we should talk about being social. I don’t know about you guys but I find it so hard to be social on this site like I will be wanting to talk but I feel I’m not as funny as the rest of yall but on here I barely got any followers so I feel free but not even that but it’s personal on here. But I do want more followers I am not going to lie who doesn’t. But you have to deserve that stuff which is why I am going to work hard to be able to be up there. I got dreams and I know right now they seem far away but you can’t get anyway unless you start. So let’s support each other. If you want to engage please do. Post down below your aspirations
          Love summer


So post of the day....
          I am not new to writing despite how new this account is. have tried to write before but I find that I want instant gratification every single time. I want the millions of reads and the paid story deals and the thousands of followers all at once but that isn't possible. I already have been dreaming up instances in which Netflix approach me for a deal and how I would still be able to hide my identity for that time. Ah yes my identity. I am hella insecure about everything so it is fully my intention to keep my identity a secret although on instagram it will be a hell of a lot more personal and who knows maybe one day I will show you guys who Summer actually is but until then. Don't forget to check out my account for this daily uploads as well as my instagram. Tell your friends, who should then tell their friends who should do the same. I mean it would only be kind of you as we are all bored out of our minds in quarantine so why not give them a book to read and an author to get to know.
          Love Summer
          P.S I love the anonymity of this guys it's giving me is much confidence and I love having an outer for all my thoughts.


I lowkey want to allow you guys to get to know me. I want my profile o be different not just the same old author to reader dynamic. I want this to be almost like a blog you know. I want you guys to get engaged and we can talk about topics from writing to shoes. Whatever you want. I know this is what the purpose of forms are but they don't work on phones and who wants that? So welcome To Summer's Blog. (Better name pending) But I also have an instagram which. I am also going to be quite active on so please go check that out @summerwaveyy