Hey I am back with another message
I kind of feel like this is a diary since no one is actually reading or replying but hey maybe one day I will finish this book and many others and have tons of readers but until then I’m going to post this to help any future writers because you shouldn’t give up if your not seeing the results you expect straight away. I have literally felt like giving up on this book so many times or deleting my account because I feel like no one really likes it and it’s rubbish and I’m wasting my time. Maybe all that is true and maybe my book is rubbish but at least I tried. You can’t get anywhere unless you start so that’s why I am starting. This book could be a massive fail although it already feels like it is. I’m doing other things as well which aren’t going too great either but I’m still trying which is the best I can do. So anyone reading this now or later start. Start whatever you have been thinking about doing. Writing a book, starting a YouTube channel or learn a new skill. Anything just start because you can’t succeed unless you try.