
Hey, people! So I just uploaded a new story called Beauty and the Devil and I'd love love LOVE it if you'd go check it out! Much love! Thank you! 


So how are you? I myself have been okay, I took a couple months off from wattpad and just checked in to find only 2 story's in my library was updated. I understand how life is, with the stresses of life and having no time to write. I also understand that sometimes you just can't write because of not having ideas. I'm not mad but a bit bummed. I just wanted to make sure you are alive and well. I hope you don't give up writing because you have a knack of putting words together to make a good story. I'm sorry if I come off as rude and I apologize if I do come across as it. Anyway I hope you have a nice day


Hey guys!!! So i know people are probably super mad because I've been away and haven't updated, but here's what happened, there was no wifi ANYWHERE! I literally walked into random stores and stuff looking for wifi but I couldn't find a single spot! Sadly, now I have to go back to school, but I'm going to try to get 3 updates up soon to make up for the 3 I missed, but I don't know if it'll work out. Anyway, sorry guys!!! 


Updating Legends of Lux later today: I've been busy with softball all week! Sorry guys! I'm horrible at updating, I always forget!!!  Starting next week there will be regular updates on Mondays! Yaaaaaaaaaayyyy! *clapping*
          Ok but seriously, I'm so sorry for the wait, I've just been super busy! I know that's a horrible excuse and I'm really trying to work
          It out. But yeah, I'll be updating later today and also starting regular updates on Mondays as of next week! 
          I was up writing until 1:00am last night and I'm really happy with the way this chapter is turning out! Just stick with me and I promise I'll work everything out! Sorry for letting you guys down!!! 
          Love you all,