
Is it odd that I am very nostalgic for the old Percy Jackson books when they were young and ok and no one was dead ☠️. I mean I know that I can just go back and read the books again but I just wish that the characters were little again before they had any problems and were evil. Anyone else feel this way for any books. Also a song that really got me thinking about it is Time of our Lives by Tyrone Wells, really good


Is it odd that I am very nostalgic for the old Percy Jackson books when they were young and ok and no one was dead ☠️. I mean I know that I can just go back and read the books again but I just wish that the characters were little again before they had any problems and were evil. Anyone else feel this way for any books. Also a song that really got me thinking about it is Time of our Lives by Tyrone Wells, really good


I’m sorry :3 a fellow PJO fan? :33333:


I’m a child of Hephaestus 


aww thx for the follow! i was just wondering how u found me?


@Sunfiretheskymud2 oh well thx. means a lot. every follow counts


            To be honest I just look at a person’s account that my friend was following and looked at the people they were following and found you and thought your stories were interesting