Now that summer is approaching, I will start writing again. I want to apologize to everyone, I have not been in a good mental state and needed a break. I felt lost and many more things. Imagines will be done and books will continue. If you have requested anything, please message me again to let me know.
Now that summer is approaching, I will start writing again. I want to apologize to everyone, I have not been in a good mental state and needed a break. I felt lost and many more things. Imagines will be done and books will continue. If you have requested anything, please message me again to let me know.
If you're still writing, could you possibly do Warren Muck (Skip) Imagines and preferences? He's my favorite out of the boys of Band of Brothers. Please?
I'm in a wierd mental thing rn, and all I want to do is write so people should send me prompt ideas bc I just finished up all of my requests and suchhh