
So, for everyone out there. I just wanted you guys to know that, I took The Black Cobra down for more editing. :)


You make covers (Saw your thread) Do you have any samples? Also for what genres mainly o-o Sorry I sound so pushy <3


@a-dora-ble Lol Your not being pushy. Yes I have samples message me your email so I could send you them. If your interested we could strike a deal BWAHAHAHAH. Jk Jk If your intrested just PM me :)


What's up peeps ✌( please don't say the sky)
          So here is the deal, I just posted my book The Black Cobra and I need feedback...but yet again who DOESN'T? Right? So I thought hey! I make covers! And I am tying my hand at editing! And I like helping people solve problems! Any story problems? Plot holes? Character development? Awkward dialogue? Come right over. 
          I'm willing to solve this problems for just one review on my book The Black Cobra. So what do you say? Just pm me! I don't bite! ❤


Hello wonderful people! Wait! Don't skim down your newsfeed just yet! Please! Hear me out! I just posted a new story! I just know you'll love it! Please check it out! Tell me what you think! I'll read your story if you read mine! Just leave your books name in the comment section so I know who you are! I'll give u a full review of your book! Constructive Criticism and all!


Hello followers I just posted the new book on my joint account with my two bestfriends its called The Black Copra....Amazing book! Really! Go check it out! And dont forget to leave ur feedback good or bad? We want to know what you think.....The account name is writinggurlz11
          Why are you still here? Go!!