JUST YOUR LITTLE SISTER (Discontinued since 2019)🙇 Recently became a 'Writer' if you could call my writing 'writing' LMAO.

As I made the story on the spot and posted it right after I finished typing it(half regretting, half not😂😂😂).

Like they say, YOLO.

For those who will think that my half-baked and half-aSSed writing is offending you(writers who write seriously) I AM REALLY SORRY.
It was never my intention, nor I did it purposely. I wanted to make something and I wanted my feelings at that time to manifest...and that's how my story came to be.

I hope those of you who will decide or decided to read it will try to understand and bear with me and my amateur writing skills, it's my first time so I know I made and will make a lot of mistakes in the future. You can tell me if and when I do so, I won't mind 😁

Lastly, I as a fellow ARMY and so are you, most probably. I do hope we can become friends, if not atleast wattpad buddies 🙂
Anything I wrote and will write in the future doesn't reflect or indicate the true nature of any of the BTS members. That is just how I see and want them to be on the book I am writing. Hopefully it's clear.

And so, have fun! Comments, votes, and suggestions are very much welcome. If the suggestion fits my story I would gladly put it in. 😊
As I said I made it on the spot so the plot isn't very much finalized as of yet.

Hope you have a good day ☺💜💜💜💜💜
  • انضمJuly 28, 2015

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