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@Reticenity WHAT??? YOU HAVEN'T STARTED SCHOOL? T.T In my country, we don't have what you call summer break (I think) since we don't have those 4 seasons :( only hot and wet climate throughout the year! Wheeeeeeee. NOT. IT's so sad T.T My exam has already started and there will be ANOTHER exam next month :"( And I did bad for my exam this afternoon T.T Should've studied, I don't want to do corrections 100 times ( ; _ ; )/~~~ Sincerely, A girl whose brain size is smaller than that of a peanut ._.
@aligamer5 I forgot these messages even existed lmao. Hi5! ✋ it's okay, don't feel bad XD I just had my last exam last November. And I didn't have to do the 100 corrections part. I always somehow pass them lol
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@Syifster I bet it wasn't that bad and you did really well. ;) Now that is sad. no FLUCKING way. Do you at least have any breaks. I already feel your pain. BUT I'm starting school next week. Bleh :( sincerely a girl who slaps herself daily
@Reticenity WHAT??? YOU HAVEN'T STARTED SCHOOL? T.T In my country, we don't have what you call summer break (I think) since we don't have those 4 seasons :( only hot and wet climate throughout the year! Wheeeeeeee. NOT. IT's so sad T.T My exam has already started and there will be ANOTHER exam next month :"( And I did bad for my exam this afternoon T.T Should've studied, I don't want to do corrections 100 times ( ; _ ; )/~~~ Sincerely, A girl whose brain size is smaller than that of a peanut ._.
@aligamer5 I forgot these messages even existed lmao. Hi5! ✋ it's okay, don't feel bad XD I just had my last exam last November. And I didn't have to do the 100 corrections part. I always somehow pass them lol
@Reticenity I knowwww. I would tell you the books that are amazing to me, but I keep forgetting when people ask that kind of question. But thank goodness for Reading List, you'll find all the books (well, most of them) in my Reading List ^.^ (wait, is it even called Reading List???) Sincerely, A girl that has so much doubt, it's ridiculous. (Oh and her exam starts tomorrow but she haven't studied which means she'll sleep for 5 hours at most tonight. Huehuehue)
@Syifster I'll check them out :) But I wish we had a place to put our fave books so I don't have to put on my wifi to go to my reading list :( But ah well. I love wattpad. How could you have tests! I haven't even started school :( Sincerely A chronic procrastinator with no life and bored to death but dreading the start of school
@Reticenity Ikr! This site is amazing, I just can't afford to separate from it for only a day. Even though I'm going to have my exams next month. (I haven't even studied. Whoops) I just can't stop reading! And I'm supposed to do my homework now :"( too many homework T.T Sincerely, a girl who's obsessed with cats ^.^
@Reticenity oh, it's okay. I don't mind if you reply late. Huehuehue. Wait what? You gave up?! :O *throws phone as far as possible* *runs to the bathroom* *cries and stays there forever* That is one of the most awesome books that I've ever read :"( but it's okay. I'm sure that you have valid reasons why you gave up :") Sincerely, A normal girl who loves to procrastinate Swek ✌️
@Syifster Glad you understand me. respect brah. What up ? * runs after you and slaps the shizz out of you of you* so obviously you had a good reason to go to yhe bathroom *wiggle eyebrows* I have no life and I'm addicted to this site so I've decided not to write because as soon as school starts I know I will be bombarded with tests. *sigh* even awesomeness can't help you! Regards The girl with two left feet and did a speech on procrastination in front of 400 people. be proud biatch
@Reticenity IKR! :") I feel you. I can be the meanest b*tch anyone has ever met or I can be an angel that has done no sins and can't say no to people :") So confusing. Yas, you're awesome (I never called anyone awesome before O.o because they're not fabulous enough to be called that) and also the fact that I hate making enemies, we can never be arch enemies XD YASSSSS. A NEW BOOK?! Sincerely, A teenager who stalks stalkers back..... and also stalks Omar Borkan *sighs dreamily*
@Syifster I'm not awesome anymore :( sorry for replying late. YOU ARE FLAWLESS (from your bio) BEYONCE IS DA BEST :) Did you see the vma's she was the queen ;) Yush someone understands me. The disadvantages of being a teen ^.^ Awesomeness emitts from me durrr :) that's why you calles me awesome ! IVE GIVEN UP ON THE BOOK *sob* Sincerely, The definition of awesomeness.
@Reticenity "awesomely nice" wow, that's the nicest compliment I've ever received from anyone :") I'm not nice, I'm actually mean in real life but you don't have to know about that side of me. And yeah, you're my wattpad friend. Lol. But I still wish my friends at school are like you though owh and HAVE FUN WRITING CHAPTERS FOR YOUR BOOK Sincerely, A teenager who's always high at night
Bruh. You don't know me either. One day I'm reallly happy and really syked for nothing absoloutely nothing and someome says something and I diss the person so bad that they want to cy their eyes out. Sometimes I can be a right b*tch. Ah well most of the time I'm awesome :) I wish you went to my school. How awesome would it be if it turned out that if we didn't meet here we would be arch enemies? But that would never happen cause im awesome XD THANKYOU IM STARTING A VAMP BOOK SOON Sincerely Your stalker
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