
HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY!! We have the power to change the world. You don't have to look a certain way. You are beautiful just the way you are. Don't let someone else's opinion make you change who you are. 


Im looking for someone that a great speller much better then me i wont someone to help me write a story about the child of Severus Snape and her name is lovelle can anyone help me write this i wont to do a cuple of chapters 


I'm very sorry for my previous acts so please forgive me, these are not my best days and I get angry easily. Your story is great and I haven't took the chance to take it to the hart. Sorry again. :)


Enjoy your day :)


Hey it's okay, everyone has those days. I even do haha. I just wished people wouldn't fight over a simple thing publicly in my book. If you have any questions about legal things, plot, characters, etc feel free to pm me. 


 Heart*. You are probably a very nice person