
I don't get why Poppy keeps on defending Branch's Brothers when they're in the wrong she's failing to realize that branch hasn't celebrated a holiday with his brother in 20 years and all he wants is to celebrate a holiday with them again after 20 years   branch's Brothers can always just did  their plans next year and give branch the holiday he deserved after 20 years but no instead they just decided to be selfish by the way have you noticed that everything we leave in the conversations part George beards page goes unanswered what's up with that


I've been reading Trolls: Holiday Reunion And I firmly believe that Branches brothers are being extremely thoughtless, selfish and inconsiderate By not devoting the holidays to branch after years of separation And I sincerely hope The Branches brothers realized that thanks to their consciences but also the very reasons why Branches Brothers even had plans for the holidays in the first place And everyone else who knows branch Firmly believe that His brothers are being extremely thoughtless, selfish and inconsiderate By not devoting the holidays to branch after years of separation i mean Seriously, the least tbranch's brothers could do for  Branch is trying to work out a fair and reasonable compromise That would make everything win. Win on all scores for everyone Because it's only natural after years of separation, he would want to spend the holidays with them  And no doubt during the whole time they were gone that the holidays were extremely difficult for him But no instead they just be extremely thoughtless, selfish and inconsiderate Because apparently being extremely thoughtless, selfish and inconsiderate runs of the family Which is disgusting Do you think the same thing