
Hey guys, I am so so so sorry about the lack of updates! Since getting back home, I've just been working and trying to get back into the swing of things but I promise from today onwards I'm gonna do my best to get chapters up on a regular basis again.


I think one of your stories has been robbed 'the sector' if you google 'TC oldham doc truyen' and click the first link all will be explained 
          I don't read your stories
          The only reason I know is that I was checking if one of my stories had been robbed and since our names are similar it came up with your story


Hey guys, I am so so so sorry about the lack of updates! Since getting back home, I've just been working and trying to get back into the swing of things but I promise from today onwards I'm gonna do my best to get chapters up on a regular basis again.


Hey guys! I'm currently up in the mountains in Tasmania and I've got reception at the moment, but it may be a little spotty so I'm not sure how consistent updates will be over the next four or so days. Please bare with me, I'll definitely keep writing, but you may get a mass-update once I'm back home instead of daily updates as I go. 
          Take care! :)


Hey guys, very sorry but I'm only halfway through Chapter Four currently, and I'm off to bed. I've spent the evening looking after things at home and organising a rushed trip down to Victoria for personal reasons in a few days' time and haven't had much time for writing in between. :( 
          Forgive me for missing the usual nightly update, but I promise you'll get it sometime tomorrow instead. :)


Chapter Three of The Sector is coming along slowly. I'll try to continue posting a chapter each day but there are some personal things going on in my life regarding family at the moment so please try to understand if the updates begin to slow down a bit.


@DenmarkHarris Hahah, you should definitely come and visit! There are accents galore and plenty of beaches and rainforests. :P A friend and I actually went hiking a few weeks back in the Gold Coast hinterland and the views were absolutely phenomenal. I usually can't see much of the appeal of this country (possibly because I'm so used to it), but that day I definitely did.


Hey guys, so sorry I haven't updated in so long - just lost my motivation with the story. :/ 
          The last two days have been full of ideas for a new story and I am so excited to start writing it! Working out major plot points and character profiles right now (I've even got a possible sequel in place), but will hopefully have enough information ready to begin the story itself soon enough. :) 
          For now, bear with me. It'll be worth it, I promise!