Nocturnal Grief
          	Refined or Crude


Once upon a time, i was bawling my eyes out because my heart sparked hardly. But as i was crying a lake i suddenly grew a pigs nose, i panicked because what would my pretty dinosaur think? I quickly put on a bow, gloves, and a dress. Then as i went outside i accidentally bumped into a tree!! it was so embarrassing but a four leafed clover fell on my head, my heart was spinning around inside me as a cherry blossom went on top of the clover that i had. That was when i was suddenly at the beach in a swimsuit!!!!! I couldn't believe it, how did i teleport? But suddenly someone started throwing a flower bouquet, and EW VEGETABLES!!!! at me!!!!!, but thankfully i teleported again wearing a beautiful dress walking my turtle while people were... Holding onto something, they were also playing ping pong with LIPSTICK, there were too many germs so i had to eat a kiwi , and candy. But i vomitted on my poor Mr. FiddlemiddlelittlediddlelindletickleMacandCheeseCuntthefirst. My heart was beating so fast that i suddenly started throwing up tulips too!!! my heart was beating more and more it felt like it was echoing, i then happened to choke on a pickle.... Or was it a cucumber? anyways i was also playing golf with a watermelon and a herb. My heart was green like me! I then got shot and died.