Hello everyone! To make it short, I'm announcing my hiatus.
A part of me feels like a letdown for making this announcement, but I think it's needed.
I've loved writing ever since I was a little girl (whether I ended up being good at it is up for interpretation.) and somewhere along the way I grew up and life does what life does best. It happened.
in addition to my hiatus, I've unpublished a lot of my works and decided when I come back to focus on the ones I have left up. I've just finished writing 'Is Your Heart Gucci', and it took 5 years to finish. Sometimes, I couldn't stop writing, and other times, I stared at my screen in tears, unable to write a sentence. The story holds such a warm place in my heart, and now that I have at least finished this one story, I feel like now is the time for a break.
I will return, although I'm not sure how long. Could be weeks, could be less, could be longer.
Thank you so much to my readers. So many of you have left me warm comments. Also, so many of you even have gone as far to re reading my finished work. I'm so touched that you'd be willing to read my work more than once. It's truly one of my greatest accomplishments.
Thank you so much,