
Yes, I did say I'd post another chapter of Dark Meets Dark this week. Was I able to? Nope! Family issues came out and this weekend has not been kind to me. I'm so sorry for delaying it but I will try to have it up asap.


          	  It's okay. Take your time. Your personal and mental health is more important. 


Yes, I did say I'd post another chapter of Dark Meets Dark this week. Was I able to? Nope! Family issues came out and this weekend has not been kind to me. I'm so sorry for delaying it but I will try to have it up asap.


            It's okay. Take your time. Your personal and mental health is more important. 


I know I haven't updated much, but I have a reason, I swear! Over the summer, I was really busy, especially towards the end. And now school started and let's say I'm already overwhelmed and it's the third day! APUSH really is a rigorous course. We have to read 27 pages and take extensive notes since we have a quiz coming up in 2 days. There's also that chemistry quiz on Friday as well now that I think about it...


Good luck on the quiz


Guess who's birthday it is today!


@Ichika_Uchiha Thank you! ❤️ And don't worry about being late.


@tayyibabari Happy Birthday!! Sry I'm late


Today, I completed my first AP exam! It was AP Government and Politics and now I have to wait until July 21st to see whether or not I passed. This was be a very fun 2 months. 
          But I suppose my birthday's in less than one month so that's something to look forward to.


@glassesdog2 Don't worry too much. Next year will be different and not as bad since it'll most likely be in person.


@glassesdog2 Mine were 3 hours. And you're going to high school next year? This is m first year and let me tell you, I was a straight A student until now.


So... my sister may or may not have let it slip that I write fanfiction to my parents who hate it and mention that it's on a website. So, I'm wondering whether or not to change my username. If I do it, a lot of things will change including me not being able to write on a Sunday and no one being able to access my profile and stories.


@tayyibabari ohh that's harsh dude!Do what ever you need to do. 


So, first day of in person hybrid school learning thingy. And first day of the fourth quarter. I was honestly so terrified for this, but all my teachers were nice and it was honestly kinda fun since I also got to talk to a few of my friends. What about you all? How has your day been?