omg have you guys ever actually listened to the Namidame DramaCD series? It's so good if you're a Do-S, I recommend them 100% (especially volume 3). If you want a free download, feel free to message me about it
omg have you guys ever actually listened to the Namidame DramaCD series? It's so good if you're a Do-S, I recommend them 100% (especially volume 3). If you want a free download, feel free to message me about it
Golly gee I just finished typing up the Rough Draft of the "End-of-Hiatus" upload, and it's roughly over 3000 words. Don't ever say I don't spoil you guys.
Thanks for not setting the place on fire while I was out!
No of course I don't have a gun kink what are you talking about- *trips and 50 gunkink prompts fall out of pockets*
Those aren't mine I'm holding them for a friend I can explain