
Hey guys! I know it's been FOREVER since i had updated the story, although the story was ready like earlier this month but i had to delay the update again cuz of my due assignments but fret not, chapter seven is here! enjoy :)


Hey guys! I know it's been FOREVER since i had updated the story, although the story was ready like earlier this month but i had to delay the update again cuz of my due assignments but fret not, chapter seven is here! enjoy :)


Happy New Year's! Unfortunately, i had to change the update date again because the next chapter is in the process of being fixed up as there were some loose ends. Don't worry, it's expected to be ready by next week. Also, i have assignment deadlines that i must meet on time. You're gonna want to expect slow updates in about 2 weeks but i will definitely inform when it'll start. See ya, hope you're having a wonderful day! :)


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Yay i posted chapter 5 last night, just before i went to bed and i'll post another one later tonight. Also, i hope all of you had a good christmas/holidays because i most definitely did enjoy my holiday. But most importantly i wanna ask, how are you all liking the party scene? Mhm bet you all can smell some drama coming because the party scene marks the start of more crazy shit happening and this is where the characters get exciting. Till next time, toodlooos :)


Yayyy chapter 4 is up! Again, my apologies for not staying true to the deadline that i have written myself. I would also like to warn you guys that the deadlines i posted are subject to change. There might be some changes according to my availability to post due to me juggling classes and assignments, but fret not, there won't be too many changes haha. So anyway, i would like to inform you all i will be away about roughly a week for christmas break so you wont get any updates until after christmas and i am also aware that the reads on Never Forget is almost reaching 100! That's quite an achievement so thank you guys so much for keeping up with the story! Merry Christmas to those celebrating, see you soon darlings! xx


You may or may not have noticed that I said that I would update today but unfortunately, I couldn't as I thought that I wouldn't be doing anything today but something came up at the last minute, so the next update will be on Sunday. See you then, thanks for being patient! X


Well my first story has been posted! Although you think that i had written it but actually it's all been the work of my good friends Danny & Ellie, who yes appear in the story as two of the main cast but honestly, we couldn't think of better names than our own. This story has been our little secret for like 2 years now but now we feel we are ready to share with the world. We don't expect it to quickly rise to fame. It's just a little something we wanted to share. For those of you who have read it, thanks a bunch and feel free to recommend to other readers. Until next time! -Tara xx