Broken Hunger will forever be my favorite story!
Reading Lists
Siren Deep is available for purchase! To read more purchase it here: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09BX16Q3H Smashwords: To be added. Don't forget to leave a review on Amazon/Smashwords & Goodreads. Thanks for your support, love you guys!
@Tash91 Hey Ebs! So good to hear from you. I've updated a few chapters op Farah's story, working on more. Thanks so much for all of your support, I appreciate you sticking with me through all the rough patches. Happy reading
Please do let me know as you publish on Amazon. I am going to get a copy of everything!
@Tash91 Hey there! Indont knownwhy I'm just now seeing this. Smh... I didn't get a notification. Anyhoo! I am so excited to support you on other platforms! You without a doubt deserve it. I can see you going faaaaarrrrrrr! I haven't finished reading Siren Deep yet. But you can bet I'll leave an amazing review! Also! I cant wait to get into Farrah's story. I read a little a while back and thought it was getting off to an amazing start.
Broken Hunger will forever be my favorite story!
Siren Deep is available for purchase! To read more purchase it here: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09BX16Q3H Smashwords: To be added. Don't forget to leave a review on Amazon/Smashwords & Goodreads. Thanks for your support, love you guys!
@Tash91 Hey Ebs! So good to hear from you. I've updated a few chapters op Farah's story, working on more. Thanks so much for all of your support, I appreciate you sticking with me through all the rough patches. Happy reading
Please do let me know as you publish on Amazon. I am going to get a copy of everything!
@Tash91 Hey there! Indont knownwhy I'm just now seeing this. Smh... I didn't get a notification. Anyhoo! I am so excited to support you on other platforms! You without a doubt deserve it. I can see you going faaaaarrrrrrr! I haven't finished reading Siren Deep yet. But you can bet I'll leave an amazing review! Also! I cant wait to get into Farrah's story. I read a little a while back and thought it was getting off to an amazing start.
Hello there!!! I hope all is well with you? I just noticed I havent read your books in a while. So I went to Swiveled Dreams to catch up and all chapters after chapter 3 are missing. They literally have no words. I can see the comments but thays about it. Is there something going on, on my end or have you deleted them? I might need to uninstall and reinstall my app.
@ebbyIggy Thanks so much Ebbs! Your support means the world to me. I'll let you know the moment it publishes ❤️❤️❤️
@ebbyIggy Hey there! I am so glad to finally hear from you! I hope both you and your family are all well. Oh gurlie i completely understand. I really hate that you hot plagiarized but at the end of the day I see the blessing. As a result you are about to be a published author! And that's both a beautiful and a wonderful thing. You are too good of a writer to be solely on wattpad. Your work is so amazing and it will indeed take you places. And I cant wait to start purchasing your work on amazon. ALL OF THEM! I dont care if I get them one at a time and little by little. You have definitely got a supporter here! Oh and I dont feel cheated at all. Now I get to reread all your work and then some. I get to fall in love with all my faves all over again. So no worries here. ❤❤❤
My lovely readers, I need your help! Not only has this scumbag plagiarized my book, Siren Deep, onto amazon, but also goodreads. Please join the discussion on the link https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/21668012-plagiarism# I'm heartbroken that this is happening. It feels like none of our stories are safe anymore. He has done this to about five other authors that I know of. Please help us take him down. @Mouki21 I saw this happened to your before on goodreads, did you get your book taken down? This guy has targeted a bunch of inkitt and wattpad authors, we can't let him get away with this. He has not only stolen my book, but has stolen 105 books from Inkitt authors. Here is a link to all Fadel Roberto’s books if you want to check if yours is one of them. He has only changed the covers. The wording is exactly copied. https://www.amazon.in/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27:Fadel+Robero&s=relevancerank&text=Fadel+Robero&ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1
So I've just been informed that my book Siren Deep has been plagiarized and I'm bloody devastated. My blood, sweat and tears are in my books and this is just crushing... Trying to sort out the legal aspects, please help me report this, people cant be allowed to get away with this... https://www.amazon.in/Siren-deep-Fadel-Robero-ebook/dp/B08CTHC7P9/ref=sr_1_45?dchild=1&qid=1598363248&refinements=p_27%3AFadel+Robero&s=digital-text&sr=1-45&text=Fadel+Robero
@Tash91 I most certainly will. That is simply ridiculous. You should sue him. Get all the money he has made off your book. I know amazon has legitimate ways they keep track of how much people sell and everything. You and all the other authors should take him to court! But I'll do anything I can to help you guys out. This mess is not fair at all. Because you all are some amazing writers and have poured your all into your books. Just for some iduot to come and steal it! Nahhhhh... Thays not going to work! And just to ket you know. I'm a real supporter of yours. If you take your books to amazon. I am still going to support. Just let me know when you do and I'll go and purchase your books.
@ebbyIggy Hi Ebs, I've reported it with amazon, waiting to hear back from them. If you can maybe join the discussion or review links on goodreads with a little truth that would be nice, we're all struggling and trying to stand together. I'm thinking when this is over to publish on amazon myself so this cant happen again, whats to stop him from taking a copy of my book to another site. You should check the list of books he has on amazon, I recognize so many of them. Its a bloody nightmare.
Hey thanks so much for adding my book to your reading list :) it means a lot to me ❤️❤️
Just added my first mature short story to An Order Of Fate, go check it out;)
Hello lovelies, just posted the next chapter of Siren Deep. Go give it a read :)
OMG you followed me!! T-T I'm crying!! Best day ever!
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