
Before you read the rest, I hereby declare that if I reach 100 votes I will pick the gruesomest idea my fans have and film myself doing it.

I've liked reading and writing since I was small, but I can never finish a story :p hope wattpad will help with that...

I am a fan of the group Bastille.. if you don't know it, look it up !! (it's music. if you don't like music, well... let's not talk about it)

I'm 15 and I have a little sister (5) and an older brother (16). I have no dark secrets that I know of. What else? I like junk food and.. yeah no take out the junk. I like food.
If you wanna be friends, just send me a message..
If you want me to follow you, fine ! We can even do follow exchanges... I'm open to all suggestions people.

Robin Hobb is my favourite author and I'd like to write like her. Some people are so talented it's depressing

If you're looking for a good book to read, try Divergent or Delirium. You can also try reading the more famous ones like Game of Thrones, Eragon.. And all Robin Hobb series :p

That's about it :)

Oh and looking for a good action book kinda dystopian..? @Daisyie
And.. romance? @Jacemy @profundity
They are my favourite, just thought they should be there :)
  • Brussels
  • Se ha unidoMay 5, 2013

Último mensaje
Tatuara Tatuara Sep 03, 2013 08:11AM
haha sure feel free to message me anytime :D that's how i know most people here :p @barneylicious
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Historias de Tatuara
Should I kill you? de Tatuara
Should I kill you?
Betrayal hurts, fact. I want to live, fact. If that means I have to kill you, I will. Fact.
Hologrey de Tatuara
Elea lives in a grey town, and rare are the ones who are Colored. The majority of the people are Silent ones...
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