Congratulations, you have successfully found an account full of trees!

Ja huch. Was für ein Glück.

---einmal auf Deutsch---

Hier sind zwei baumartige Etwasse, einmal der original Baum @Margeritenbaum und eine Asche, @Aschenfeuer . Das bedeutet - rennt, solange ihr noch könnt. Oder so.

Mittelerde und generell ganz Arda | Riordanverse | Harry Potter | Princess Academy | Books of Bayern

Namensbedeutung: táva - großer Baum und nár - Flamme - beides Quenya.
Es gibt nämlich kein Asche auf Elbisch! Böse.

---and in English---

We are two tree-things, called Tree ( @Margeritenbaum ) and Ashes ( @Aschenfeuer ). So: Run as long as you can. Or something like that.

Middle Earth | Riordanverse | Harry Potter | Princess Academy | Books of Bayern

Meaning of "Távanar": táva - huge tree and nár - flame - both in Quenya.
This is because there is no "Ashes" in Elvish! Not nice.



--> Lost Stories (the book/das Buch)

For a translation: Ask us! : )

(It's a project for as many Middle-Earth-writers as possible, and it's about writing about the forgotten/lost ones - the characters nobody talks/writes about really. Or have you ever seen a fanfiction with Bombur?)
  • bei Bäumen - near trees
  • EntrouApril 7, 2021


Última mensagem
Tavanar Tavanar Jun 10, 2022 07:53PM
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