
Just published the first two chapters of my new story, so yeah I’m not dead I just suck at time management, I’ll eventually get the next chapter out for after the end as well.



I think I might have to cancel Fury. I don’t want to but I have no clue how I’m going to keep writing for it, and I feel it isn’t very good either, The characters are really underdeveloped, Zack was becoming the main character for awhile even though that’s supposed to be Izuku, there’s not even a main villain. I’m going to give it some thought, but don’t get your hopes up for a new chapter, because it’s most likely not coming.




I know I’ve been slacking with writing new chapters for pretty much all my other stories but I just couldn’t resist making a one shot book because they’re really fun to write. I’d promise that there will be new chapters for my other stories soon but I have no clue if I’ll be able to write those for awhile because writing is hard, wish I was more like that cheerfulreaper guy, he writes fast and he writes good.