Hey so I just had a crazy idea what if I make a sequel to my book
The adorable idiot who stole my heart
And it would be called
The adorable demented idiot who's trying to kill me
Or something like that
Leave comments telling me what you guys think I might just do it anyway but still I want your opinion
Hey guys so I'm like really in the writing fever so I'm writing 3 new books
Book #1 Mark and Jack fanfic
Book#2 the girl no one noticed
Book#3 the other side of her
So guys be prepared for some new (hopefully good) book coming real soon
Hey guys so I just wanna get your opinion
Which of my stories do you think is better
Too Young Too or A new start
Let me know in the comments please this is just a random question that I want to know you guys opinion on.
I think it's a really great story like the plot is good the dialogue between the characters is really good, you have some good climax points overall it's really a good book there's not really anything wrong with it your writing is good