About me. Well, what is not about me? I guess that is a little egotistical. Let's start over. 
Loves, likes, and others
-Rangers Apprentice series, Harry Potter series, East, Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forester, Jeanette Winterson...ect. basically really diggin' feminist writers, queer theory, adventures...
-I play guitar, write my own songs and poetry, and paint.
-I am trans. (meaning you can use the pronouns 'ze' or 'they' with me and it's all good ;) )
-I play every sport...love running and fetching softballs, baseballs, basketballs...ect.

Currently, I am in Tübingen, Germany learning Deutsch. I have a lot more free time than I am used to... so I started writing again.

Read, enjoy, comment...critic. Do whatever your heart desires.
  • Burlington, Vermont
  • IscrittoMay 16, 2012

Ultimo messaggio
TeaCake TeaCake May 17, 2012 11:42AM
@GuardianAngel14 wattpad name?...do you use other names too?
Visualizza tutte le conversazioni

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The Cost of a Knight's Love di TeaCake
The Cost of a Knight's Love
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The Opening di TeaCake
The Opening
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