
I can just imagine a scene that when Volectro and Zaptor were born, Qumula, visibly exhausted, tries to take in the fact that she now has THREE kids. 


@Getfeisty1 oml that'd be beautiful- 
            They'd be such menaces when it came to night/ bed time, I'm so here for that, Tes and Qumula would Not Be Happy™ to put it lightly lol
            Cause Electroids always got energy! Who needs sleep? (Spoiler: the twins will. Very soon XD)
            And this is all without taking into account their slight nyctophobia, which would probably make it worse cause they wouldn't wanna sleep in a dark room 


Imagine the twins keep both their mom and brother up at night though…:3


@Getfeisty1 XD actually tho
            And he takes the job so seriously, just being a vigilant big brother (oh Tes, if only you knew that you'd end up being the shortest of your siblings lol)

          Honestly the story's short and the nixel designs are basically either major nixel or one of the clone nixels but in different outfits (the one thing I wanted to avoid when designing the citizens of Nixopolis) and there might be some controversial character designs with the mixel ancestors in there, but the story itself is good for what it has. The ending can imply that the Glowkies might be creations of Nixifer (which would explain the Orbitons' intense fear of them) but I guess it shows that even guys created from him don't instantly become evil like him. Really makes you think, huh?


            The LEGO Monsters will indeed play a little bit of a part as to the Mixel's origin! I wanted to mirror their real world development a bit, so they do play a factor in the story. They're pretty important, too! All will be explained in the full release of the next few chapters of MD, and the history of Mixel-kind!


@CandyLovely148 Wait, are they gonna be inspired by at least a few LEGO Monsters characters (like the ones from the tribes or the LEGO Monsters app commercial)? Or are you just gonna do your own thing?


            I actually don't know a thing about Bionicle, this was just absolute chaos I cooked up for the world XD
            If it does end up with similar vibes, that'd be insane 



@CandyLovely148 I got to read both scenarios and YOO!! I would read the heck out of either story fr, they're so fun!! 


            I never knew there was a Reddit for Mixels!!! 
            Oh I gotta see this fr

          For once an effective political commentary short that heavily criticizes war and xenophobia throughout history and how war is just an endless battle against those slightly different from us. Our country was already fine and we were barely free. We weren't figuring for freedom, we were fighting to serve the bloodlust of our country.
          But imagine if this paralleled the Nixel Armada and their clone army.


@TecknoGecko Yeah! Like how I had this one headcanon that the Cragsters were actually mostly silent but only spoke a word or so if it's on urgent matters that need to be said out loud. Now, since the connection with other tribes and helping them fight the nixels (stupid buggers keep popping up everywhere), they've started talking a bit more though they would use less syllables in case more meant the message couldn't get out since nixels do pop up when you least expect em. Besides, makes communication easier to get the point across


And they'd each have their own cool cultures and instruments (I was thinking that the Fang Gang could have something like the Bullroarer, the Gumleaf, Didgeridoo, a few Aussie instruments along with a few others made of wood since hey, it's their element and they appreciate it for giving them shelter


Wait, you mentioned the "common Mixmallian language" right? That reminds me of the time I came up with the headcanon that there's native languages in each different land of each tribe but there's a common language that connects them all, and of course obviously it's like our native language though I haven't gotten the full language down. Some phrases I thought of would be "Banzai", an exclamation of delight for Wiztastics, a call of fight or war for the Fang Gang, "Tak" (Polish for "yes") as a possible addition, and since teeth is the most notable thing about the Fang Gang tribe, I assume their language would involve more "k" sounds and they might have a secret code where they click their teeth like Morse Code!


            That's right! I got more things to think of now, cause the tribes would absolutely have different instruments and music based on what's available to them!


            Yup, good eye! Tis the name I've given their language Love that idea for the Fang Gang and what their language could sound like, that'd be so sick to see in action!
            And exact same! I like to think that each tribe had/has their own old languages with words only certain ones would have, since they'd all have different experiences/physicalities! It's actually part of my in-universe explanation as to why they have super specific named stuff (like things that would only exist for us), like Tesla coil trees/Teslo's name. 