Find great reads here or enter your own story! 

The point of the library is to find great reads as well as help great stories to get more reads by adding them to to the library and if not added, give tips and help improve writing.

Please, only teen fiction romance! We may be adding other categories later.

The criteria to be added is:

1) It has to be interesting. (Interesting by our standards, which are pretty open)

2) It has to have good grammar and only minor mistakes (if you aren't good with grammar or spelling, you should find an editor). This is only to motivate you to improve in that area and to make your story more enjoyable.

3) You need to read some of the stories in the library and add them to your own, otherwise it's ineffective and nobody would be reading anyone's story.

In order to submit, please message Keena (@keenawedricames) or Deidra (@theprincehalle).

If we don't add your story to the library, we WILL be commenting on it to show you areas that you can improve in and we DO take re-submissions after you think you've improved.

The point of this library is not to be mean or lower your self-esteem or make you think you're bad at writing, but to help you improve and give you the audience you deserve, so please don't take it to heart if we don't add your story right away. We're really supportive and want to help, and any critique will be well-meaning, not mean. Everyone has to start somewhere.

Final criteria:

Once we add your story to the library (meaning AFTER), we require that you follow Keena (@keenawedricames) and this account.

Whether we are taking submissions at the time will be posted at the bottom. (We may be a bit busy or currently reading other submissions.)

Enjoy, everyone, and we hope you all find a use for this! :) Happy reading and writing,

Deidra and Keena <3

Submissions: Open
  • In a library. Duh?
  • RegistriertJanuary 6, 2014

Letzte Nachricht
TeenRomanceLibrary TeenRomanceLibrary Aug 07, 2014 02:36AM
Hey, guys, don't forget to read other people's stories in the library!! That way everyone actually benefits from this thing. :)--Lotsa love,     Keena
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