Hello Everyone! I am the author of the Dragon's Epitaph trilogy and a short story collection called Dream-Walker: With Other Stories and Poems.

I am currently writing the third and final installment of the Dragon's Epitaph trilogy: Dragon's Epitaph: Rebirth. I also have a stand-alone companion book in the works that takes place after the main series, though can be read on its own.
  • انضمMay 5, 2020


الرسالة الأخيرة
TeresaJCrider TeresaJCrider May 05, 2020 07:24PM
First fanfic in...15 years or so? I plan on doing more, but this one is meant to be a bit spooky. Based on Death Troopers novel with some canon elements laced in. Let me know what you think! https:...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Teresa J Crider
Outbreak Mission: A Kylo Ren Tale بقلم TeresaJCrider
Outbreak Mission: A Kylo Ren Tale
Kylo Ren Fanfic. Kylo Ren is tasked to find out why one of the First Order trooper shuttles, used to carry p...
1 قائمة قراءة