My apologise everybody. For anyone who does not know I am currently in my fourth year of University. I competed my English degree over the summer and I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Education degree. Education is an intense program, not only am I a student while on campus I am also in a classroom teaching two days a week, developing lessons, and unit plans. As such I have found very little time to write. I have also been dealing with a few other personal matters which have made the last few months much more difficult. I want to thank you all who continue to follow me and I promise I am working on Child of the Moon every chance I get. Some days I have very little motivation to write but it has always been therapeutic for me and I treasure the times I get to immerse myself in my writing even if it is only for a few minuets. I look forward to the day that I am finished my post secondary education and can focus on both my students and my own writing. Once again thank you all for your patience, I promise I am working as often as a can to get a new update up for you all.