
Bye bye limbo got my start date! I'll be moving out in 2 weeks  more chapters for child of the Moon to come!


So I'm in limbo right now. I have technically been hired but still haven't been told the date that I officially start work ... originally though it would be May 1st but who knows at this point haha! But limbo has turned out to be a good thing because I have finished another chapter (insert happy dancing here)! I am done packing so who knows maybe my characters will play nice and I'll get another chapter done before I leave if not at least there's this. I hope you all enjoy Chapter 3: The Long Way Home! 
          Happy reading, 


Hey everyone! So in between the cleaning and massive amount of packing I have been doing I managed to get another chapter completed! I hope you guys enjoy it I am starting Chapter Three I am hoping to get it done before I leave as well but that will depend on when I have to leave haha! I still have not received word on my starting date for my summer job but I am planning on leaving this weekend because my parents will be around to help me haul my stuff to the cabin... Civic's don't hold that much stuff... But anyways I hope you enjoy (please keep in mind it is an unedited chapter but if you notice any big mistakes leave a comment it makes editing on my end go much quicker). As always I love feedback! Thank you all!
          Happy reading!


Alright so firstly, I am officially done my first year of Ed! I could not be happier the way my schooling is working out my students are amazing and I could not have asked for better partner teachers! Secondly, I received a phone call and found out I will be working for the provincial parks this summer! Only problem is I don't have Internet at the cabin... Which means that my updates will be few (although sadly they are already few). This job will be much less physically demanding than my bee keeping position over the last four summers so I should have ample energy to write . I am hoping the scenery inspires me and when I can post an update it will be more than a single chapter! Once again thank you to all of my followers! You are all amazing people and I appreciate your support! Emotionally I am doing much better now than I was a few months ago. While I won't post the details of what happened online I will say this: heartbreak is a b!ch. Thank you all for your continued support I don't know if I will have another chapter up before I leave as I need to pack up my life and move 6 hours away from home for the first time in my life! I am excited! I watched Wild a few days ago and it really empowered me. This next four months will be good for me. Lots of soul searching and healing. All my love and happy writing, Tess. 


Hey everyone! I have updated Chapter 1 of Child of the Moon. I have not had a chance to completely edit it yet but I figured I would put it up for you guys to check out if you wanted. I am working on Chapter 2 right now. Let me know what you guys think I love receiving feedback!


My apologise everybody. For anyone who does not know I am currently in my fourth year of University. I competed my English degree over the summer and I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Education degree. Education is an intense program, not only am I a student while on campus I am also in a classroom teaching two days a week, developing lessons, and unit plans. As such I have found very little time to write. I have also been dealing with a few other personal matters which have made the last few months much more difficult. I want to thank you all who continue to follow me and I promise I am working on Child of the Moon every chance I get. Some days I have very little motivation to write but it has always been therapeutic for me and I treasure the times I get to immerse myself in my writing even if it is only for a few minuets. I look forward to the day that I am finished my post secondary education and can focus on both my students and my own writing. Once again thank you all for your patience, I promise I am working as often as a can to get a new update up for you all.


@Taylor3991 hell yeah haha got a raise this summer  haha but I am honestly exhausted and it has only been 2 weeks we host the saskatchewan beekeeping associations's field day this year so I have to have all the work (plus painting the shop and re arranging the equipment upstairs) I would normally have until the middle of July done, done by June 14th. I have extra work and one month less to get it done and I don't have anyone working with me until the beginning of July ... And I started class this last Wednesday... Ug! Haha oh well hopefully I get to be doing what I want to be doing in September