
@Jane_Doe Who's there?


Hey you! I dunno when you get on, but I've finally got around to posting the next chapter of "Made to be His." 
          I hope you've got my gazillion messages to fans, but I wanted to hear from you specially Catty! Lemme know what you think (; - Bethy 


Omg, I just realized you read my unmentional story. I am really ashamed of it and only keep it around because it attracts readers and the occasional fan. I have no intention of continuing it. Maybe just the slightest sliver of possibility there. 


Lol! Actually, I live smack-dab in the middle of the city so I can't have sheep. :( But I keep them at other peoples houses and drive there everyday during the summer to feed them. I don't have any right now though. I did have a couple ewes for breeding. My favorite and the oldest was named Lola. She was a real sweetie. She didn't mind people at all and loved to be fed. But she had a disease called soremouth in her udder so when her lambs suckled they got the disease too. So I had to get rid of her. And at auction, nonetheless. She's probably mutton right now, fml. But I'm not that sad so it's okay. I'm a senior so this will be my last year showing sheep. Also fml.  A ferret would be the bomb, but I kinda have a fear of them biting me. A rat would be cool tho.


Lol, I have a male and female. Their names are tiger and fluffy, really original names. Tiger is a dark shorthair with delicate paws. He is the more adventurous of the two, often venturing from the portch to the neighbors yard. Fluffy is a yellow colored longhair who sheds like crazy. She hates people bit tolerates us because the people bring the num nums. She spends her dAys lounging on the porch, waiting for food. She is the one willing to brave the 
          elements for a bowl of dry nastyness while tiger stays in their hut. They never come inside, especially fluffy because she sheds her weight in hair every other day. I also have 4 chickens and raise sheep for 4-H. 


Cat, cat, cat. I heart cats. And the automacially male drop down was because men are superior to women for most of history and sadly some of those prejudices are still in place today. :( But it was very convenient for me, lol, because I'm male and I didn't have to deslect it and
          pick the correct gender. I just expended more energy writing that than I did in the act I was talking about. My words per minute reading speed is 600. Comprehension rate is the same. Just a little bragging. I have two cats. 


@SashaGibbons Your 50/50, LOL. I was born in Russia but then we moved to England, and then to Scotland, so my accent is quite fucked up. :D 
          I CAN'T BELIEVE MERLIN ENDED (well the series did)!!! I swear, Im suffering from withdrawral. Who do you like best? Me and my friend Jane_Doe always argue about who is fittest. I say Arthur and she says Merlin so we have a war going on. Lancelot is still available. ;D
          Anyway, do you speak Russian or English at home? We speak Russian, so the cat is bilingual. :D


Awesome :) my mum is fully Russian and marrie a British man, so thats why I'm half and half :) nice to meet another Russian person too :) 
          Oohh no I wasn't born in Sparta either, I doubt it even exits anymore :/ but I love the film so I thought what the heck, that's where I SHOULD be from 
          Oh come on, who doesn't love I Sold Myself??? :L
          And jeez Merlin is amazing, I ACTUALLY cried when it finished :( call me obsessed but that's who I am :) 
          I like you too, mostly because of that random non you put in the sentence :) I like random language switches :)