
The Prophecy Forming Association would like to apologize for the previous overly confusing and somewhat convoluted prophecy, and would like to take this time to make a new one that is just as if not more confusing. Sorry for any inconvenience.


Your chance to fight me will come, though you all shall fear it! 
          -A new prophecy will guide the way, to give dragons a better day-
          Wh-who said that! 
          -Wait for the night with no moon-
          I command you to stop!
          -The Silkwings will grant someone a powerful boon-
          End your pointless blabbering! I won't be defeated!
          -Find a hybrid of water and night lost in two types of currents-
          Stop speaking useless nightwing!
          -A hybrid of earth and sky knows where their loyalties must lie-
          How are you still standing!?
          -A Leafwing and an Icewing that like to make others smile-
          All fall beneath me! No one can stop me!
          -A Rainwing that prefers to just listen for a while-
          Prophecies can't hurt me! You can't stop me!
          -Then there is a Hivewing more modest than all-
          Your Prophecy won't be heard! Give up!
          -And finally, a sandwing who is willing to take a fall-
          -These are the dragons who will meet one day, and make sure these Dark times will finally fade away-
          I feel an odd sensation. It is as if, no it can't be. I don't feel weakness! I will do what I can to stop your prophecy! I am eternal!


@The-Poison-Anomaly oooo you got me interested now you mysterious stranger.


            To see if you are worthy, and I can assure you that no one is. I won't fall to a group of arrogant dragonets!