
Just want to say sorry for no updates in a while, I've just moved out on my own so I have to wait for it. I should have internet soon, and I can guarantee an update for Monday! Things are finally less chaotic in my life so that means regular updates! Hope you all have a wonderful day!


Hi there, just saying thank you for voting for my stories :)


@TheActualDirt Awww! Thank you! :)


@elveloy of course! I love your stories and I've been rereading them for years! You're one of my favourite writers


Just want to say sorry for no updates in a while, I've just moved out on my own so I have to wait for it. I should have internet soon, and I can guarantee an update for Monday! Things are finally less chaotic in my life so that means regular updates! Hope you all have a wonderful day!


As you've noticed there was no update this Monday. I've been sick since Friday and chapter seven desperately needs to be proofread before I'm okay with publishing it. However next Monday, ( hopefully I'll have shakin this infection by then) y'all will get chapter seven and a new story chapter!! Yay! So something to look forward to:)
          As always, hope you're having a wonderful day


Chapter Six is out! A week late... But we can all ignore that. Chapter seven so far is just going to be sweet, or well as sweet as my writing can get these days. Writing Pack of One should be much easier from here on out, now that we have firmly left the beginning. Does anyone else have the hardest time writing the beginning? I can't be the only one who struggles this much with the first few chapters! 
          As always, I hope you all are having a good day!


As a fair warning, I'm giving one day notice. Fangs and all will be temporally removed as I edit and refine it! I love the story line I had planned for it, but the structure is odd and essentially I need to fix up a few things. As a spoiler I will be posting 4 new stories really soon. I want a few more chapters written for each one before I publish. So you all can hopefully look forward to 3 new gay themed stories and 1 lesbian themed story.


Chapter 5 is out of Pack of one! I have a pretty clear plan of how things are going to move forward from here now out for that story. Essentially the beginning is finished, now things can happen:) As always feedback is welcome!
          Hope you're all having a good day!


Chapter four of Pack of One will be uploaded Monday! So sorry for the delay, while editing chapter 4 at the beginning of the month I deleted the whole chapter in a fit of 2 am rage. SOOO I rewrote it and it's nothing like the first version, I still need to proofread it a few times, but it's much better than before. Still not fully happy with it. But to give you guys an idea chapter five and six are written and almost ready too! Please feel free to give me feedback on my stories! I love to reread them and make edits to improve them, nothing is set in stone! Hope you're all having a good day!


I re-published Pack of One with minor changes. I'm sure my followers who have been here awhile know I've taken a bit of an unofficial hiatus. However I am back! I have several chapters already ready of familiar stories as well as completely new ones! Don't worry all my stories still hold the same kinds of themes, leaning towards dark, tragic and of course fantasy! I'm not going to be taking any old stories down, but certain stories are on hold for the moment. I hope you guys enjoy the new stories coming out! I'm going to try and publish one chapter a week of at least one of my stories. (Until I run out of chapters I have ready) No worries though, in the past few years I've developed quite a bit of material for y'all. Also I've changed my name again and will be changing my user profile and back drop soon. One thing at a time though;) 
          Just a quick thanks for everyone who's stuck around and has been encouraging me to write for so many years. a lot of these stories I started writing when I was 13/14. So being 18 now I hope I can give chapters of a higher quality as well as length. Hope you're all having a good day!