
Good evening :)
          	I have published a story to Wattpad for the first time in a few years! I can't believe it has been so long. I am not sure how much of it I will publish here before ultimately finishing the story on my Patreon, but until then it is yours to enjoy. Below is the *temporary* description for "A Word of Fire and Fangs" (also a temporary title. You know how these things go).
          	I am my father's daughter. He taught me to hunt. He taught me to fight. "You are your own sword, and you belong to no one," he always told me, but I knew there was more behind them. There was a mystery to be revealed, something to be abstracted from the implicit.
          	But there is no time now. The beasts of old are on my kingdom's doorstep. The mystery is unraveling within me, manifesting on my tongue. They want my sword. But who am I to stop the wars of kingdoms?
          	I am my father's daughter.


@Ph0ebsssss Hi! yes, you can download the app on your phone or use the web version. It is a platform that allows creators to publish their content to paying subscribers. For me, my content is spread across three tiers: free, $2, and $5. Basically, you pick how much/if you want to pay and you receive exclusive content and faster uploads based according to whichever tier you join. My link is
          	  Thanks for reading!!


I just read it an im already in love also whats patreon and can i download it on my phone?


Good Day Dear Author,
          I'm waiting patiently for an update to Word of fangs and fire
          Once again Kudos to you
          We love you


@Slimmy22 Thank you 
            I can't wait 
            And Jovari the Blue too...


@Slimmy22 really?? I will hopefully be putting out new content soon. Thank you for your support <3


I just wanted to say that I loved Captive of the Sea! It’s been one of my favorites for a since I found it and almost every few months I go back to reread it because it’s genuinely so beautifully written. You have such talent and I’m thankful you decided to put your work on this app! Have a great day/night/morning, wherever you are!!


@Yours_Eternally thank you so much! I'm glad my story is something you can keep coming back to and continue to enjoy :)


Just read Captive of the sea...and cried my eyes is indeed the most beautiful thing..


@TheAllieL cant wait to buy COTS and cry again!!!!!!! Hope you find success!!!!eagerly waiting 


@EllaRose204 @blxckluna19 @alifanargisshaikh 
            Hey guys! I don't know if you have seen this in my other posts but I am trying to publish COTS into hard copies. I am also working part-time on a "book" that is basically episodes instead of chapters and goes into Mer-culture and the lives of other people like Callie who came into contact with the Mer. It is just slow in coming because of my real life job, the other fantasy novel I am writing, and the drafting, editing and preparation for publication of COTS.
            If you would like to support the process please head over to my Patreon (! I would greatly appreciate your feedback on my other stories here on Wattpad as well.
            Happy Holidays :)


@alifanargisshaikh its been 6 months since i read it im still in agonising pain i cant sleep at night whenever dawn comes it just breaks me at this very dawn Atlas last saw Calopie 
            Aaaa i need another follow up onit from Atlas's eyes on what all those years like knowing she might never come back 
            Ah it breaks me everytime even if i just think about it! 


Good evening :)
          I have published a story to Wattpad for the first time in a few years! I can't believe it has been so long. I am not sure how much of it I will publish here before ultimately finishing the story on my Patreon, but until then it is yours to enjoy. Below is the *temporary* description for "A Word of Fire and Fangs" (also a temporary title. You know how these things go).
          I am my father's daughter. He taught me to hunt. He taught me to fight. "You are your own sword, and you belong to no one," he always told me, but I knew there was more behind them. There was a mystery to be revealed, something to be abstracted from the implicit.
          But there is no time now. The beasts of old are on my kingdom's doorstep. The mystery is unraveling within me, manifesting on my tongue. They want my sword. But who am I to stop the wars of kingdoms?
          I am my father's daughter.


@Ph0ebsssss Hi! yes, you can download the app on your phone or use the web version. It is a platform that allows creators to publish their content to paying subscribers. For me, my content is spread across three tiers: free, $2, and $5. Basically, you pick how much/if you want to pay and you receive exclusive content and faster uploads based according to whichever tier you join. My link is
            Thanks for reading!!


I just read it an im already in love also whats patreon and can i download it on my phone?