
          	is just
          	beginning the new lines
          	where they don't belong,
          	where they do belong,
          	where the words belong,
          	where we do not


i feel alienated from myself.


@Jeshhkar you mythologize the past. there was no past: only a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory of a fleeting perception.


             then thou shallst seek the salvation of the unconscious.
            the cracked path of the knowledge of the soul.
            the undying rigour. the echoing chamber. the carved stone of tbe essence of the mind.
            thou shallst venture into the outfield.
            may we fall once more.
            there was ardour when i was a boy~~~


            hippity hoppity abolish all corporeality


this is atemporality.
          a state beyond change. a standing wave, unchanging (or whatever, i don't know enough physics to be factual with my metaphors.)
          the earth spins and we stand still.
          and the clock is ticking, and the calendar changes and all of that seems meaningless: we've chopped and hacked up time - that killer, that thief, that merciless god - into hours and, now, from hour to hour we rot and rot.


there is no summer, 
          and the seasons are wrong, 
          and the wind is so strong, 
          and we've forgotten, 
          and the gods have forgotten the song of their love, 
          'caaaaause hadestown is a metaphor for global warming and capitalist oppression, you know, only the love plot distracts, and you're weeping, you know, at the end, even tho y'aaaaalllll knew how it ends because like every other bookish kid you are well-read in your graecuuuus mythology, and, yo know, the sad part (apart from the other sad parts), the part that makes no sense motif-wise, is: the labour union angle goes to nothing, 'cause orpheus, accidental iww agent extraordinaire, goes and has doubts and other crisisisisises of faith, and the labour union is kinda stuck in a time loop, which, you know, sucks 'cause i want an anarcho-syndicalist revolution in the underworld


we have come from nowhere and we are going nowhere


@Jeshhkar being ought not to ought at all. or to be at all. yet being, as i attepted to establish, simply is, regardless of whether or not it exists. 
            i think some philosopher may have pointed out that to acknowledge another's point at all, to accept its premises even if only to reject them is in itself a giving over enough. when an atheist says "i do not belive in god" it is oft the case that the following is implicitly stated: "god is omnipresent and omnipotent, and omniscient and creator of all things (and also a unity of a trinity, etc.) and i don't believe in him" does the atheist and the theist do not differ much on their opinion on god, save for whether or not he exists: which is just one property among many.
            on a hopefully comprehensibly related note, i tried to point out that much: that using the analogies and metaphors of memory and annals and history is not a neutral position. therein is an implicit acceptance of power structure, which has denied the validity of existence of many and has taken away voices, which now may never be heard.
            post scriptum: i acknowledge my own lack of rigor and clarity in this discussion. i shall take the moment to - one hopes, not unkindly - urge my co-author in this dialogue to strive to do better. so will i.


@TheBestMushroomEver  i reject the assertion that a being ought at all. look upon the chaos of the transcendent existence.  and that's all I would like to add.
            i reject viewing history as a means of omnipresence, as a means of ubiquitous proof of the past.
            things exist in the way we think things do stuff.
            i imagine even we don't exist. and we have no right whatsoever to demand superiority over objects, for we are also objects, be it sentient. a subject is just a false object, thinking of itself as not being a thing, despite that nothings do not exist in the realm of thinking. even the abstract thing is till a thing. even thinking is a thing.
            memory forgets all things, because memory is the last thing remaining. for the universe is the sole master of the universe, and we are the universe becoming conscious about itself.


            i reject the assertion that Being must be (in order to be, regardless of its existential property) historicized.
            one might very well defend the positions of the subjective idealists (trees fall down in the forest, unheard - do they make a sound at all? and so on. and so on.) but the fact that theirs is a position of privilege is inescapable: who are we, who do we think we are to deny someone's existence based on whether it has been recorded.
            so we are nothings, one must conclude, no things and not things, once memory forgets us - and memory forgets us all. (words. words. words.) yet, again, i do reject that. for we are beings and sole masters of ourselves, and we may call all out own, and all is our own; a property of the one, the ego.