
hello, i have seen a few of you writing comments on psycho saying you are still waiting for the sequel and prequel i talked about. i thought i could give you a little update about all this.
          	i have not written a lot. i wrote one page of the prequel and nothing of the sequel. back when i posted the last chapter, i concentrated my energy on rewriting psycho entirely, removing dan and phil and their universe completely. but even that hasn’t progressed a lot. i think i wrote a few chapters of that. but i’m far from finishing it. even 3? years later.
          	truth is i lost interest in writing. i was busy with other things and i was so out of practice that whenever i wanted to go back to it i never did because i wasn’t motivated. i haven’t touched this story in over a year.
          	right now i am focused on my career. i work as a graphic designer full time and i’m trying to grow within this.
          	however, some things happened in my life and i’ve been contemplating revisiting my past, such as old hobbies and old friends.
          	my head is still buzzing with ideas for psycho. i haven’t given up on it. i’ve just been on a giant hiatus. i will try to get back to it. it used to be something i LOVED doing. i think it could bring me a lot of good to get back to it.
          	with that being said, i don’t promise you’ll hear from me on this website much more. maybe you will, maybe you won’t. i just don’t wanna force it. it’s a process.
          	i think for now i will continue rewriting psycho, as well as the prequel. it makes sense to write both at the same time. they’re related a lot. anyways.
          	if i find the courage to get back to it, i might give you a little sample of the new psycho. no promises though.
          	hope y’all are good.


hello, i have seen a few of you writing comments on psycho saying you are still waiting for the sequel and prequel i talked about. i thought i could give you a little update about all this.
          i have not written a lot. i wrote one page of the prequel and nothing of the sequel. back when i posted the last chapter, i concentrated my energy on rewriting psycho entirely, removing dan and phil and their universe completely. but even that hasn’t progressed a lot. i think i wrote a few chapters of that. but i’m far from finishing it. even 3? years later.
          truth is i lost interest in writing. i was busy with other things and i was so out of practice that whenever i wanted to go back to it i never did because i wasn’t motivated. i haven’t touched this story in over a year.
          right now i am focused on my career. i work as a graphic designer full time and i’m trying to grow within this.
          however, some things happened in my life and i’ve been contemplating revisiting my past, such as old hobbies and old friends.
          my head is still buzzing with ideas for psycho. i haven’t given up on it. i’ve just been on a giant hiatus. i will try to get back to it. it used to be something i LOVED doing. i think it could bring me a lot of good to get back to it.
          with that being said, i don’t promise you’ll hear from me on this website much more. maybe you will, maybe you won’t. i just don’t wanna force it. it’s a process.
          i think for now i will continue rewriting psycho, as well as the prequel. it makes sense to write both at the same time. they’re related a lot. anyways.
          if i find the courage to get back to it, i might give you a little sample of the new psycho. no promises though.
          hope y’all are good.


Hi, I love your work and I particularly love your story, "Psycho." It was beautifully framed and the way you described slowly losing it, it was amazing. I can't wait until you to the sequel/prequel! I was wondering, even though it's a spoiler, will you have Dan break out of jail?


@taeya_lexy thank you so much i really appreciate! like i said i'm not sure i'll post the sequel/prequel, and i can't tell you that;)


Hi, is it ok if i do a book review on one of your books and the write about it in my book to recommend it to others? 
          I will give all the credit to you