
The first few chapters will be short due to just introductory reasons


Hey Kira! This new book will be fun!


@pumpkinella Okay so this is just an idea give me ANY feedback what do you think
            Soma waltzed through the busy streets of the French Quarter. it was very dangerous there at night, but Soma was street smart, although not very brave. Her reserved personality kept her from getting into trouble. For a nineteen year old girl, she was quite clever, clever enough to steal food. She wasn't homeless, but all her money was going into college and she had to get food somehow. 
            Soma looked by her feet an noticed an apple core. She glanced up and saw an apple pie stand. She closed her eyes and forgot everything else going on around her, she focused on her mind and repeated her thoughts over and over again. When she heard cries and screams she opened her eyes again. everyone from children to elderly couples looked at the sky in shock. 
            "It's happenin' again! Y'all best be locking your door tonights. The Voodoo man is back." A man yelled.
            Indeed, the moon was gone. This was happening over and over again lately. It would disappear and come back before you knew it. Somehow it would not mess with the currents or tides. Scientist came obsessed, but no one could figure out why. 
            Soma grabbed a whole pie and ran to her dormitory without looking back. She ran up the stairs and bursted through her door. She set the pie down on the desk and shut her eyes. he opened them quietly and she went to the window. The moon signed brighter than it ever had. She sat down, ate her pie, and showered. When she got out she sat down on her bed and read a book,n while waiting for her roommate Shi to come home.