
I'm so sorry I haven't been updating stories like I should be. Things have been super crazy here lately. I've been super busy and I've gotten very little sleep, but I'm hoping here soon  I'll be back to normal and be able to type again.


Do people do read for reads here on wattpad? I know a lot of folks do follow for follow. 


I really had no clue! On quotev people do read for read, follow for follow and heart for heart but it feels like cheating :/


Am I the only person who doesn't believe in follow for following. I want someone to follow me because they love what I post. Whether it be my art or my stories.  I don't want someone to follow me because they want a follow back , it doesn't feel genuine if you follow me and don't enjoy my content. 


Just wanted to say real quick (not that anyone will see this) I'm very sorry I haven't been updating any stories or even typing at all. I won't lie I've been binge watching Dexter and Bob's Burgers on Netflix. I will get around to publishing more chapters soon. Thank you for your patience and thank you for reading! 


@TheDarkSilentBeauty here lately writing has felt more like a chore. I think it's because I have so many different stories I'm working on. I'm hoping if I finish just one some of the stress will go away lol


@TheDarkSilentBeauty take your time when it comes to writing cause if you don't feel the inspiration to write whats the point? It should be fun to write not a chore :)