@GabyloveNialler 1) haha thank you :p 2) seriously?! aw well happy birthday from then! 3) nah no one's crazy, normal people are boring ;) & yeah sure xx
@GabyloveNialler 1) haha thank you :p 2) seriously?! aw well happy birthday from then! 3) nah no one's crazy, normal people are boring ;) & yeah sure xx
@BiggestNiallanator69 Yay okay, was hoping someone would say that :D it'll still be in parts but I'll post all the parts after I've done something I need to do, shouldn't be too long! xx
@liveyourdreams16 It's not bother at all, it's nice to see people want me to update :p I've actually been working on the ending for the last day or so but I'll try and update tonight :) xx