Day 6 of #CampNaNo, and I've had my first missed day (yesterday). Combination of work, bad planning, and needing to get out of my cave for a bit. But... the good thing about a 500 word daily target is how easy it is to catch up. So I wrote this morning, and I wrote this evening, and now I'm all caught up. I still don't feel like I'm hitting a particularly rich seam, but I'm not overly worried about that right now. If I'm still feeling like this at the end of the month, it might be time to reconsider the outline of the project -- or the direction of the project as a whole, but I'm sure there are stories there. It's just finding my way into the thick of them. On a side note, I saw Us last night, and it was great. No spoilers, but it's a well crafted movie. Unsettling, funny, and with enough heart to make you dread the bad things you know are coming. Plus, there's enough under the hood to keep you chatting about the movie for the drive home afterwards.
@TheJamesWhitman Hey! I haven't been getting notifications about this, but I'm glad to see you're doing well! That's fantastic! I've caught up, but you still want to do some writing sprints sometime this weekend??