
Day 6 of #CampNaNo, and I've had my first missed day (yesterday). Combination of work, bad planning, and needing to get out of my cave for a bit. 
          	But... the good thing about a 500 word daily target is how easy it is to catch up. So I wrote this morning, and I wrote this evening, and now I'm all caught up.
          	I still don't feel like I'm hitting a particularly rich seam, but I'm not overly worried about that right now. If I'm still feeling like this at the end of the month, it might be time to reconsider the outline of the project -- or the direction of the project as a whole, but I'm sure there are stories there. It's just finding my way into the thick of them.
          	On a side note, I saw Us last night, and it was great. No spoilers, but it's a well crafted movie. Unsettling, funny, and with enough heart to make you dread the bad things you know are coming. Plus, there's enough under the hood to keep you chatting about the movie for the drive home afterwards.


          	  Hey! I haven't been getting notifications about this, but I'm glad to see you're doing well! That's fantastic! I've caught up, but you still want to do some writing sprints sometime this weekend??


Day 6 of #CampNaNo, and I've had my first missed day (yesterday). Combination of work, bad planning, and needing to get out of my cave for a bit. 
          But... the good thing about a 500 word daily target is how easy it is to catch up. So I wrote this morning, and I wrote this evening, and now I'm all caught up.
          I still don't feel like I'm hitting a particularly rich seam, but I'm not overly worried about that right now. If I'm still feeling like this at the end of the month, it might be time to reconsider the outline of the project -- or the direction of the project as a whole, but I'm sure there are stories there. It's just finding my way into the thick of them.
          On a side note, I saw Us last night, and it was great. No spoilers, but it's a well crafted movie. Unsettling, funny, and with enough heart to make you dread the bad things you know are coming. Plus, there's enough under the hood to keep you chatting about the movie for the drive home afterwards.


            Hey! I haven't been getting notifications about this, but I'm glad to see you're doing well! That's fantastic! I've caught up, but you still want to do some writing sprints sometime this weekend??


Four days into #CampNaNo, and I've managed 500+ words each day so far. Working to three main principles:
          1) Lower my standards. This is a first draft, and it doesn't have to be good. This is about what works, what doesn't, and why.
          2) Stick to 500(ish) words a day. If it's a struggle, it's good to have an achievable finish line; if it's flowing, it's good to have juice in the tank for tomorrow.
          3) Try out different voices. I haven't decided how I'm telling this story. Will it be omniscient narrator (like Pratchett), narrator as character, multiple character perspectives (first or third)? I'm trying out as many ideas as I can, to see which I prefer, which is the most fun to write (and the most fun to read), and which best serves the story.
          If I can stick to this routine, I'm hoping it's something I can build into an actual habit (rather than the teeth-grinding ordeal it is currently).


It's April, and that means it's time for #CampNaNo. As it happens, I'm mega-busy with real world writing projects this month. But... I am determined to make some headway on the first draft of the WIP I was developing in October. So I've set myself a low, low target of just 500 words a day. By the end of the month, that'll add up to 15,000 words, which is the target length for the first part of what I'm writing. 
          So far, it's going okay. Yesterday, I wrote 501 words of a scene in which our hero discovers a tree in the local park has been yarn-bombed by persons unknown. Today, I wrote 541 words of a quiet scene between our hero and her dead husband. Yup. It's that sort of project.
          I'm buddying up with @_huckleberry for this, so we can keep each other accountable. If anyone else wants to get in on the accountability game, just ping me a comment below.


It's April 1st! Happy April Fools, and happy start to camp nano! :D


            Nice job! That's awesome -- and it's good to have a cohesive plan. Sounds like a nice start!
             My goal was to get above 300 words every day. I'm also aiming for about 15,000 words, but just in case I wasn't able to quite hit that I lowered it a little, haha. 
            Good luck, and great start!


Just done 501 words. I'm aiming for 15,000 words for the month (I'm gonna be busy with other things for a lot of this month), but I should be able to manage 500 words a day.
            Are you setting a target? That's one of my favourite things about NaNoWriMo -- seeing the progress throughout the month, getting a binge day in and watching the word count surge forward, knowing how many words per day I still need to do, etc.


@TheJamesWhitman Nothing yet -- but we've still got time! I'm planning on getting something on the page when I'm off from work. How about yourself?


Hey James!  @TheJamesWhitman
          I remember you mentioning that you were doing NaNoWriMo. I'm sorry I didn't check in much sooner, but as it is the end of the month -- how'd you do?


Alrighty, I'm down!


You're on. Let's say no pressure, no targets, but try to write a little each day.


@TheJamesWhitman Well that's the goal! And ya know, I'll probably at least try to write every day during April, so I'm down to try it if I've got a buddy.


Taking a break from updates today (as it's my birthday). Normal service will resume tomorrow. Until then, now's a great time to catch up on where I'm at with Prep_tober (and to let me know how you're getting on with yours).


Heroes of Hendon continues, with Tom and Isaac traveling through time to meet Charles Blondin, a legendary tightrope walker (who famously crossed the Niagara Falls with his manager on his back).
          I'd love to hear what you think of the story so far. Also, do people think I should keep it in Historical Fiction, or shift it over to Fantasy?
          I'll be posting updates to my NaNoWriMo book on the daily, but the next part of Heroes will drop on Monday. Have a good weekend, everyone!