Hey, my name's Kara. Umm, I have no idea what to write xD. Um I love anime, manga, kpop, animals, bows, anything cute, food (fattie), sunglasses, well that's pretty much it. Ahaha.(x So, I'm a huge procrastinater so the chapters might take a bit to come out sorry >x<. I guess that's it. Alright guys thanks for reading my lame About Me section! See you later! ^^ BIG BANG BABY<3 PEACE(x

(I also have a Quizilla account now! My username is TheKpopEra like always~. ^.^ )
  • Cali
  • انضمJune 22, 2012


الرسالة الأخيرة
TheKpopEra TheKpopEra Aug 15, 2012 05:22PM
@Alphabet No problem, I just  L O V E Katekyo Hitman Reborn >w<
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قصص بقلم Anisa Fong