
Hitting a real rough patch of writer's block with chapter 6. I'll try to get by and have it done by the end of this month.


Going back into previously finished chapters and making some pretty major changes. I suggest skimming through them to see what I've changed, there's not a lot of changes, but the ones that I've made will make a major difference in the rest of the story.


Well I lied. That's what I get for setting a deadline, I suppose. As one of my favorite authors once said, "I love deadlines. I love the sound they make as they go whooshing past." It's been 10 days since I told you I'd be done with a chapter by the end of the week and it's still not done. I've been working on it, but I've written and rewritten it so many times now, changing everything and starting over every time, but I think I'm finally satisfied with the direction I've placed our three young heroes. This chapter will be long, and it'll introduce some interesting things. I hope you think it's worth the wait and as always, let me know what you think.


After a long hiatus I've begun writing The Tale of Morin again. I've reread it endlessly and I think I've finally fixed at least most of the errors. I hope to finish writing chapter four by the end of this week, I'll post it as soon as it's done. I hope you enjoy, and as always, your criticism, advice, comments, and speculations are appreciated.


So for the first time I'm tearing my story down and starting anew. In some ways it'll be the same, in others, drastically different. I'm going to keep the original three chapters up until I've got enough of the new story to replace it with. Feedback on this decision and on the new story is always appreciated. Thanks everyone.