I'm done.... I'm done having my kindness be taken advantage of. I'm doing rping with people who puts all their problems on me, my Oc's and make them the main protagonist of our rp. I'm done trying to play both sides. I'm done having to lower myself just to meet others standards. I'm done giving people second chances. I'm done having my opinion not matter. I'm done with trying to help people and they don't accept the help wasting my time. I'm done being the nice guy. I'm done with it all. Today is supposed to be a good day but nah. Not today. Probably not for the rest of the year as well. Who knows. I just know that I am done. No more Mr. Nice guy, no more second chances, no more of anything.
If I had a rp going on with you, I'm sorry but I might not respond right away, I might just end them where they are. TBD (To Be Decided)