Four years, FOUR YEARS GUYS! Thats way longer than I thought I would last. Due to this, and how outdated some of my stuff has become, there will be some changes to this profile. I’m not saying that everything will be deleted or changed, but it will be updated. Old stories will most likely be labeled completed or they will be rewritten, my bio will probably change, I’m going to go through my library and delete stories I don’t read, and just generally things to update my profile to better fit who I am now, and to allow you guys to read (and even participate in) some books that have a better writing style. I do hope that you guys will stick around, because I wouldn’t be here without all of you. The changes will be gradual, and it will probably take me most of next year, but you guys will see new stories and some rewrites coming out. I have dedicated Saturday nights, from 7-10 pm, to working on Wattpad. The changes wont be major, but the books will be better and I have resolved to respond to more comments and feedback from you guys. I am hoping to make this a more enjoyable profile, and my ultimate goal is to make sure you guys enjoy reading my stories, or just chatting with me, and to keep you guys interested and checking back here every once and awhile.
I hope you all have a great day/night. Sweet Nightmares my dearest demons.