• انضمApril 10, 2022


الرسالة الأخيرة
TheNineTailedFox6 TheNineTailedFox6 Apr 28, 2022 03:11PM
Hello, I'm new here I've been writing for awhile before my recent project here, before I had taken a long break though, so any and all criticism whether good or bad would be absolutely appreciated, h...
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قصص بقلم Logical
Shinu Made Tatakau بقلم TheNineTailedFox6
Shinu Made Tatakau
Hayato Kosoku, a samurai involved in the Sō Clan. Finds himself in the middle of a war. This is his story.
Life Among Death بقلم TheNineTailedFox6
Life Among Death
This story is a fictional story about Life and Death portrayed as humans in the real world and what they do i...
Nights of Survival بقلم TheNineTailedFox6
Nights of Survival
This will be a fnaf fan story with my own characters and a lore based off of the original franchise Credits t...
1 قائمة قراءة