Hi! Uh geez it’s been so long since I’ve been here. In the period I’ve been through break ups. Lost close friends, renewed old friendships and started dating again and am possibly in a four way of sorts??? I’ve also in this period lost the urge to write and draw! Heh it really took a bit to me because I really love writing and I used to just barely satisfy that with role playing, but I don’t have the friend I roleplayed with anymore. All I have is my ocs, their children, and the names of who they once used to be with. 2020 has been the wildest ride, I’m almost at driving age. I’m no longer in my public school and now have the ability to graduate early thanks to a charter school. I’ve realized a small bit about how I feel with my gender identity. Again so much has happned and there’s only about 60 of you all most of you guys followed me out of fun conversations and not my stories. I’ll be posting two new books with sorta slow updates, but one is a reality sort of thing where I talk about my misadventures as a high schooler. The other is still in thought it might be fan fiction or a story using all of my ocs and how they’re feeling after losing my friend, my only roleplay partner. Anyway! Sorry you had to listen to this mistake rant for so long! Hope you have a good day PLUS ULTRA~!