
Happy New Year, my darling children. Please welcome this new year with a light heart full of love and peace, and work towards spreading positivity and kindness to not only everyone around you, but to yourself as well. My love for you all shows no boundaries or end, therefore the love you should have for yourselves should mirror that. You are cherished, adored, and perfectly imperfect.
          	I know of your troubles, your situations, your mistakes; as well as your regrets. Free yourself of these bindings to negative energies from here on, my sweet children. Raise your heads when walking into this new chapter and conquer all that it is you wish to accomplish. Your loving father will be right by your side every step of your exciting journey. 


@TheOfficialNamjesus very late BUT love namjesus keep us in check all year <3


@TheOfficialNamjesus Im late but happy new year Namjesus