
          	Hey lovelies! :D
          	So...I have just fallen in love with a new book that's come out:
          	City Life for Country Girls, by DoubleBelle.
          	I'm not even kidding, I laughed throughout it. As in, the this-is-actually-amazing-and-amazingly-funny laughing, not just oh-that-was-kinda-funny laugh. No joke. It is so good! I love the idea and the characters are so lovable *cough* Wyatt and Weston *cough*!
          	You, beautiful person, go and read it. And vote, comment, and follow! :P IT'S WORTH IT!
          	Link to the book:
          	God bless!
          	Keep that quill moving! :D


It was a bit! Thanks! The Head Girl & Head Boy are two students who are effectively the representatives of the whole school - they speak at events, help organise things within the school, and do a lot of assemblies for the rest of the school. Different schools run it differently, so some do it by student vote and in others (like ours) you have to apply and you get interviewed by teachers, and we have a few deputy head students who don't have quite the same workload as the two main head students but still have to do a fair bit!
          Yeah, a much needed break! I LOVE camping so much, the way our Explorer camps have fallen this year has been great because it means I start and end my holiday with camping :) 
          Well done on passing your music exams!! Ooooh, I'm learning to drive too! You have to be 17 to start driving here but I was so busy after my birthday that I haven't had any lessons with an instructor, my dad has been giving me lessons :) he's been so patient so far, don't know how he's kept so calm! Haha, my mum has been a bit nervous about driving around with me but my dad has been great, I feel so much more confident now than when I started :)
          Good luck for your music history exam! I never had to do much music history but then I didn't carry on with it after GCSE - is it hard? Haha, summer is a good time to catch up on sleep and not do very much :)


Good to hear from you! Don't worry about it, to be honest I've barely been on here for the past few months :)
          I'm good thanks, feels like a lot has happened! Had my GCSE results since last time we spoke (that really does feel like a while ago!) and they went to plan so I was really relieved :) It's been such a busy school year but we have an extra-long summer holiday this year - no idea why, think the headteacher is just playing around with holidays at the moment! We had a ton of choir/orchestra concerts before Christmas, then we had to apply for Head Student roles ( which was immensely stressful but I got one! I'm a deputy head girl!), and then we had yet more exams which we get results for in about two weeks D: so it's been a tad stressful but it's flown by - I can't believe I only have one more year left in school now!
          It's been a good summer so far :) went on a load of university open days at the end of term, then had a weekend camping trip with my Explorer group (SO MUCH FUN!) and I had a couple of weeks away with my parents in Portugal which was good :) I have a few things to do for school/uni applications over the summer but other than that I'm just gonna chill and see my friends, and I'm going on another camping trip at the end of the holidays!
          How have things been with you? Are you having a good summer so far? :)


          Hey lovelies! :D
          So...I have just fallen in love with a new book that's come out:
          City Life for Country Girls, by DoubleBelle.
          I'm not even kidding, I laughed throughout it. As in, the this-is-actually-amazing-and-amazingly-funny laughing, not just oh-that-was-kinda-funny laugh. No joke. It is so good! I love the idea and the characters are so lovable *cough* Wyatt and Weston *cough*!
          You, beautiful person, go and read it. And vote, comment, and follow! :P IT'S WORTH IT!
          Link to the book:
          God bless!
          Keep that quill moving! :D


Hello everyone! :D
          Yes, I'm alive. And back. My sincerest apologies to all of you wonderful people who PMed/messaged me and I just never replied - my computer, for some reason, would just NOT let me log into my Wattpad account, no matter what I did. And so I just gave up, as school was busy, and I didn't really have the time to fix it...or figure out how to fix it, rather.
          But then school finished (man, exams are words, my friends, no words) and I "inherited" my mom's laptop because she got a new computer, and this one DOES let me log in. Yay! XD So, that's the reason for my AWOL...!
          I just want to say a HUGE thanks to all you people who followed and voted and commented and all that awesome jazz during my absence - it's an amazing feeling coming back from a long absence and seeing more people having followed/voted/commented/etc despite being unable to come on. You guys are amazing and I love you all!
          Anyway. Props to you if you read that long rant, but I felt obliged to explain this and thank you all for being such fabulous people! You guys are truly the best! :P Thank you, again!
          Have a splendid day/night/whatever-time-it-is-for-you-when-you-read-this! 
          God bless!
          Keep that quill moving! :D


Hey! Long time no speak! :) Don't worry about it, I haven't been on here for weeks!
          Haha, there's no way of keeping me away from my computer :)
          I am indeed done! Exams finished at the end of June, and I had a couple of weeks of work experience in July, and I've been on holiday since :D
          I get my results in 13 days! It's getting a bit nerve-wracking now but there's nothing I can do, so I've just got to put it out of my head :)
          When do you go back? Haha, the summer flies by doesn't it?! I'm just over halfway through the holiday, I go back on something like September 4th :) have you been away anywhere?


          Aw, that's so sweet of you to say that! :D
          Cool! :D Though I must admit I AM slightly sad that AATTJOA might not be completed...*hint hint* XD But it's completely up to you, so *shrug*...
          Thanks! :D
          OBTW, so sorry for the late reply...!
          Keep that quill moving! :D


I've lost the fight against the internet (and writing) :') it was a battle I couldn't win!! But I'm still trying to do the same amount of revision so I've been having quite a few late nights lately... oops :P
          You were right! I have 6 left now, and they're spread out quite nicely over the next couple of weeks (I have a couple of breaks in between), so I'm nearly there!
          Ah, I guess the holidays even out really in the end :) oooh it's not long til you're on summer holidays now!


@Berripop HI!!!! :D
          Of course I'd remember you! Welcome back, sweetheart!
          Thanks for following and taking the time to read "Friend, Foe, or Frost?"! Glad you enjoyed my stories, LOL!
          I'm definitely going to check out some of the stuff you posted!
          Speaking of which, are you ever going to finish "Autumn and the Three Jewels of Arazia"??? O.o
          God bless!
          Keep that quill moving! :D


It feels like it sometimes, but I'm sure it's not much different to your workload really! :)
          Oh, it's a great idea in practice it's a lot harder to not use it :') and I sneak around my own rules by using internet on my phone :D
          Thank you! 
          Yeah, I'm right in the middle of the big chunk now :S I've had seven exams already, I have music tomorrow, and then I have a week off before the next ten! Thank you, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
          Nope, we still have school in most of the winter - what we call the autumn term actually runs into winter :) We used to have three weeks off in my school but now we have two weeks, like most other schools :/ 
          How do holidays work with you?