Hello everyone! :D
Yes, I'm alive. And back. My sincerest apologies to all of you wonderful people who PMed/messaged me and I just never replied - my computer, for some reason, would just NOT let me log into my Wattpad account, no matter what I did. And so I just gave up, as school was busy, and I didn't really have the time to fix it...or figure out how to fix it, rather.
But then school finished (man, exams are just...no words, my friends, no words) and I "inherited" my mom's laptop because she got a new computer, and this one DOES let me log in. Yay! XD So, that's the reason for my AWOL...!
I just want to say a HUGE thanks to all you people who followed and voted and commented and all that awesome jazz during my absence - it's an amazing feeling coming back from a long absence and seeing more people having followed/voted/commented/etc despite being unable to come on. You guys are amazing and I love you all!
Anyway. Props to you if you read that long rant, but I felt obliged to explain this and thank you all for being such fabulous people! You guys are truly the best! :P Thank you, again!
Have a splendid day/night/whatever-time-it-is-for-you-when-you-read-this!
God bless!
Keep that quill moving! :D