
Sorry for the spam, but hey, "Red Viper" is now back. It was here years ago, and now it has returned.


Hey all. 
          I'm posting a bunch of free works that are on my website as well. I updated my profile with my links. I am a self-published author and could use all the support I can get! Cheers and thanks for being with me through this journey for all of these years. 
          I might not have entire novels up here anymore (that aren't fanfiction) but there will be plenty of short stories & novellas to enjoy.


FREE BOOK ALERT! Red Viper, the sample I have here on Wattpad, is currently FREE until Saturday. THE ENTIRE BOOK! 120k+ words, a full novel, something I put my heart and soul into. No strings attached, just 100% free. Go nab a copy if you'd like! I hope you enjoy it! Please leave a review if you end up reading it, I'd greatly appreciate it! :) 
          This is a gory urban fantasy, the first book in my series. It's the start of my vampire apocalypse--of course, my vampires are a living biological humanoid species, as stated in my lore compendium here on Wattpad. If you're curious about the universe I crafted, feel free to go check that compendium out as well.


My book is back, the sequel to Cobratongue University is finally back on my account and safe. I'm going to put it on a .doc file as soon as I get off of work. That was one of the worst scares of my life, I thought I lost my completed novel for good.
          Lesson learned: ALWAYS ALWAYS back up your work. I got a scare the hard way.


Be careful, and always backup your stories.  It have recently come to my attention that there has been plagiaristm  on Wattpad. I found this out on a community thread.


@JansenSharon  Yeah, I'm learning that the hard way now. The book I lost unfortunately isn't backed up. If I actually get it back, I'm doing so right away. It's so nerve wracking.


"A Bloody Spring", the Sequel to Cobratongue University, is currently missing from my profile everywhere. There's a known issue right now, as seen here:

          But... I never backed it up, because I'm an idiot. So I'm in panic mode right now. I really hope we get these stories back, because that's a full 110k+ word novel that I worked extremely hard on...


Ok! So I know some of you are following me due to the World of Warcraft fanfictions I wrote. Well, turns out, "Have Fun in Azeroth" was SUPER BAD. Really, seriously, I was cringing when I went back to edit it. Some people like it though, so I gave it some love. Now it's at least halfway decent. It took a LOT of work to make this alright, and it's still got its ups and downs. 
          But those of you that might be reading it right now, I promise it's so much better than it was a few days ago. Here's the link if you're curious. Again, the writing in my actual novels is far better, though :P


Alright, alright, so it seems like people really enjoy my fanfiction on here. The one with World of Warcraft, of course. I've decided to MAJORLY edit it so that the writing isn't trash, because I wrote it when I was a teenager, and you know how that goes. 
          Well, there's a stigma against fanfiction, and since people seem to actually like what I wrote, I know I can make it so much better with what I've learned now. So I'm going to be editing "Have Fun in Azeroth" tomorrow quite a bit, and hopefully the story, characters, and writing in general will be made so much better.


Hi :) So as unusual, I buy a TON of art for my characters. Today I got a piece of Darcia x Smoke, which is technically a spoiler for the first two books of the "Kingdoms of Blood" series, but not for Cobratongue University (since their story is told by then and it's obvious). Therefore, spoiler warning here! The art is gorgeous :)

          Also, I commissioned a friend of mine to render a shirtless version of Ares. So if you want to know how he looks that way, well... here ya go ^^ 

          Support these artists, and all I've shared! :D They're awesome!